
>> 2nd case --> if a different user "it3" does a "submit-app" on the "default" 
>> queue, then the audit log shows the result as "denied". However, the policy 
>> id is blank, is this the right behavior? the isAccessAllowed returns “Denied"

Since there was no policy that allowed the access, the request was denied. 
Hence the policyId is blank.

>> 3rd case --> if the user "network3" does a "admin-queue" on the "default" 
>> queue, then the audit log shows "allowed", instead of "denied” 

The audit log clearly says that the access was granted by policyId=656. Can you 
please send the screenshot of the policy? Another possibility is if your 
service-def has “ADMIN_QUEUE” as an impliedGrant for “SUBMIT_APP” (as shown 
below); can you please check if this is the case?




"itemId": 1,

"name": "SUBMIT_APP",

"label": “SUBMIT_APP”,







"itemId": 2,

"name": “ADMIN_QUEUE",

"label": "ADMIN_QUEUE"




From:  Aruna Sivaram <>
Reply-To:  "" <>
Date:  Monday, December 14, 2015 at 10:47 PM
To:  "" <>
Subject:  Re: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin


Let assume that I have created a custom policy named TestPolicy, Policy Id : 
656 for a user  called "network3" giving "submit-app" permissions for a queue 
called "default". 

1st case --> , if the same user "network3" does a "submit-app" on the "default" 
queue, then the audit log shows the correct result with the Result as 
"Allowed",  the isAccessAllowed method returns "Allowed"

2nd case --> if a different user "it3" does a "submit-app" on the "default" 
queue, then the audit log shows the result as "denied". However, the policy id 
is blank, is this the right behavior? the isAccessAllowed returns "Denied"

3rd case --> if the user "network3" does a "admin-queue" on the "default" 
queue, then the audit log shows "allowed", instead of "denied" (I have created 
a policy giving only "submit-app" permissions on "default" queue to network3 
user). In such a scenario, what should be done? Currently my custom authoriser 
passes the RangerAccessRequestImpl to the isAccessAllowed Method.
and following are the values of the RangerAccessRequestImpl object in this 

           RangerAccessRequestImpl request  = new RangerAccessRequestImpl();
           RangerAccessResourceImpl      resource = new 
          resource.setValue("queue", default);
           request.setAccessTime(new Date());
          RangerAccessResult result = plugin.isAccessAllowed(request);
         return result == null ? false : result.getIsAllowed();
In this scenario, the isAccessAllowed returns "Allowed", ideally it should 
return "denied".

I have attached the screenshot for your reference, which highlights the 3 cases 
that i have pointed out.


On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 10:01 PM, Madhan Neethiraj <> wrote:

>> However, in cases, where a user cannot access a resource, the audit UI 
>> (access tab) should show "denied". However, in my case, it stills shows as 
>> "allowed" instead of "denied".  It would be helpful if you could tell me 
>> what needs to be done in such a case. I am invoking the 
>> isAccessAllowed(<RangerAccessRequest>) from my custom authoriser. Let me 
>> know what needs to be passed to this API when a user is not allowed to 
>> access a particular resource.

1. Audit log (in access tab) should include the ID of the policy that allowed 
the access. Can you please check? 
2. What was the return from isAccessAllowed(request)? Allow or Deny?

If above does not help to identify the issue, can you please send the return 
value from isAccessAllowed(request) and the screenshot of the corresponding 
audit log?


From: Aruna Sivaram <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Monday, December 14, 2015 at 7:07 AM 

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin


Thanks for a very detailed explanation, it has given me a very good perspective 
on how ranger works/can be used. 

Our use case is that we plan to use apache ranger for authorization of a home 
grown application that is non hadoop in nature. As we are using ranger for the 
authorization for all the hadoop based components, we plan to use ranger for 
all custom based applications in order to ensure consistency as well as use the 
auditing / GUI and various other features of ranger.

Good news is that, I was able to write a custom plugin & custom authoriser in 
ranger for our service and it is also able to sync successfully (as seen in the 
plugin tab of the audit GUI).  The audit UI  (access tab) is also showing the 
details of the policy that has been accessed.

However, in cases, where a user cannot access a resource, the audit UI (access 
tab) should show "denied". However, in my case, it stills shows as "allowed" 
instead of "denied".  It would be helpful if you could tell me what needs to be 
done in such a case. I am invoking the isAccessAllowed(<RangerAccessRequest>) 
from my custom authoriser. Let me know what needs to be passed to this API when 
a user is not allowed to access a particular resource.

Thank you once again.


On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 11:41 PM, Don Bosco Durai <> wrote:
Aruna, can you give more detail on what you are trying to achieve?

I was searching for integration design diagram, but couldn’t find one. We will 
work on creating one. In the meanwhile, here is the high level.

Ranger plugins run within the component process.
It gives a light java library, which does the following: 
Provides method to check access. RangerBasePlugin.isAccessAllow() (explicit, 
you have to call it)
Pulls policies from Ranger Admin (implicit)
Does auditing (implicit)
Ranger community works closely with the Hadoop component community for writing 
plugins for Hadoop components. Currently, there are close to 9 plugins 
available as part of Ranger (HDFS, Hive, Hbase, Kafka, Solr, YARN, Storm, Knox 
and KMS). We are working with the other communities to support more.
The framework is generic and so you can use Ranger to provide access control to 
your home grown application also. The wiki page gives 
how to implement custom stack.
Ranger design philosophy is not to change the authorization of the component, 
but have the component define an interface and abstract all the actions the 
component supports. This way the components are free to support any actions 
they want to and evolve them over the period of time. This also help other 
security providers to provide similar implementation.
So if you are planning to write a custom plugin, I assume you are having your 
app and you want to use Ranger to provide the access control and audit. And if 
that is the case, some of the questions you have asked applies mostly on your 
log4j: Since Ranger plugin is embedded within the process, it uses the 
component’s logging framework. So out here, it will be yours
If you want to use Ranger plugin, first you need to create an interface in your 
application for authorization. We recommend you provide the default/native 
simple implementation. Ranger will implement the same interface, but Ranger 
implementation will use the policies from Ranger Admin. You can review the 
following sample implementations:
Once your interface is defined, then the wiki pages tells how to define a 
service using JSON. Which can be loaded in Ranger Admin. After that you can 
create the policies from Ranger Admin UI, the REST APIs for managing polices 
are automatically possible, the Ranger Admin audit UI will start showing the 
audits, etc.
Please give your use case, so we can guide you better.



From: Ramesh Mani <>
Reply-To: <>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 11:12 PM 

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin

Please find the answer below.

From: Aruna Sivaram <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 8:34 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin

Thanks for your quick response.Please find my queries inline.

On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 4:55 AM, Ramesh Mani <> wrote:

If you have created a CustomService, and if you want to authorize  the access 
of components/resources in your CustomService, then you need to have default 
authorizer in your CustomService to do authorization, which you will extend  in 
your Ranger custom plugin and  will be  called when your CustomService needs 
authorization check.

[Aruna] : It would be great if you could provide a snippet/example where the 
authoriser code present in the plugin is invoked by the existing services 
(hive/hdfs/storm/kafka) for authorisation. This would give me a better picture 
as to how it exactly works.
[RM] Each service  dictates how to the register the custom authorizer with it. 
So you need to refer the respective service’s authorization mechanism.

For logging, as you had seen it uses log4j you can have log4j appender in the and get the log, all hadoop components have their log4j 
properties file where it specify the location it puts the log.
By default it is /var/log/hadoop/ for hadoop.
[Aruna] : there are many in the ranger code base and there is 
no specific for each of the plugins. Hence, which do i need to modify. My aim is to see all the logs generated 
by my custom plugin. This would enable me to debug the code better.
[RM] Here also each service provides it file and that is where 
you define appender for ranger also.

[Aruna ] : The other thing i wanted to know was how does one start the plugin 
or rather initiate the plugin which polls for the policies. I see that the 
enable-<service> scripts sets the environment and copies property 
files to the right locations, but i dont see where the authoriser is 
instantiated in order to invoke the init() method of the RangerbasePlugin.
 [RM] This is already in the wiki page.

Thanks for all your help


From: Aruna Sivaram <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 9:45 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin

I am using ranger 0.5 for the access control. We are planning to develop a 
custom plugin which we plan to integrate with the ranger framework. This custom 
plugin will be used for access control of our components. In order to explore 
this possibility, i have written a custom plugin as per the example given in 
the link

Since this is a custom plugin, my authoriser class (CustomServiceAuthoriser), 
will not be extending any of the hadoop security classes (Eg in case of storm 
or hive, the RangerStormAuthoriser implements IAuthorizer and 
RangerYarnAuthorizer extends YarnAuthorizationProvider.  I have created the 
repository and policies for the same through the rest web service.

I have written the custom service authoriser as per the example and deployed 
the same on the sandbox. I have a service named CustomService. What i wanted to 
know is how the customservice will communicate with my customserviceauthoriser 
which is contained in my plugin. Currently i dont find any documentation which 
talks about the mode of communication or rather how the plugin class will be 
invoked by the service.

I am relatively new to ranger so may be I am missing something ?

Also, i would like to know the location of the log where each of the plugin 
classes would be logging. This will help us in debugging the flow. I see a lot 
of log statements in the ranger plugin code base but am unable to find the 
location of the logs.

Secondly, can ranger be used to develop custom plugins for access control of 
non hadoop components?

Any help from your end would be appreciated

Aruna Sivaram

Aruna Sivaram

Aruna Sivaram

Aruna Sivaram

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