Thanks madhan, for the detailed explanation. I am now able to understand
the audit logging much better.

Appreciate your help and support.

On 21 Dec 2015 20:57, "Madhan Neethiraj" <> wrote:

> Aruna,
> >> If user "aruna" does any other action, other than submit-app on the
> resource "default". Then the audit log will show the result as "denied". In
> this case, should the policy id which is 656 be shown along with the
> "denied" result, or the id will be a blank field.
> Lets say the action was “write”. In this case, policy #656 would not
> “deny” the access. The policy simply was not able to make an authorization
> decision – since the attributes of the request (user, group, access-type)
> do not match with the policy. In such case, the policy engine will look for
> the next policy that matches the request. Following scenario should help
> clarify this.
> In addition to 656, consider there is another policy with: “id=657;
> resource=*; user=john; access-type=write”; here the resource and
> access-type in the policy match the request, but the username does not.
> Hence this policy can not make the authorization decision. In this case,
> should we expect the audit log to contain both 656 and 657 as policyIds?
> Remember, there could be multiple such policies that do not match the
> request.
> >> Under what cases will the audit log show result as "denied" along with
> policy id.?
> Ranger policy model was recently enhanced to be able to actively deny
> access – refer the documentation here
> <>.
> Only when such a policy explicitly denies an access, audit log will record
> its policyId.
> Hope this helps.
> Madhan
> From: Aruna Sivaram <>
> Reply-To: "" <
> Date: Monday, December 21, 2015 at 5:59 AM
> To: "" <>
> Subject: Re: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin
> Madhan,
> let's say i have a policy with following  details
> Policy id : 656
> Resource name : default
> User : aruna
> Access type : submit-app
> If user "aruna" does any other action, other than submit-app on the
> resource "default". Then the audit log will show the result as "denied". In
> this case, should the policy id which is 656 be shown along with the
> "denied" result, or the id will be a blank field. That's my confusion.
> Under what cases will the audit log show result as "denied" along with
> policy id.?
> Thanks
> Aruna
> On 17 Dec 2015 22:30, "Madhan Neethiraj" <> wrote:
>> Aruna,
>> >> However, the policyId still shows blank.  Is this the right behavior?
>> Ranger populates policyId field in audit log only when that policy makes
>> the authorization decision – either allow or deny. In this particular case,
>> no policy explicitly allowed or denied the access. The end result is “deny”
>> - only because there was no policy to allow the access. Hence the policyId
>> is left blank. Hope this helps. To help understand this further, try to
>> answer this question: which policyId should be recorded in the audit log in
>> this case? Please consider that there could be multiple policies applicable
>> for the resource being accessed – like queue=*, queue=test*, queue=t*.
>> Thanks,
>> Madhan
>> From: Aruna Sivaram <>
>> Reply-To: "" <
>> Date: Thursday, December 17, 2015 at 12:17 AM
>> To: "" <>
>> Subject: Re: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin
>> Madhan,
>> I was able to fix this issue for the 3rd case. Thing is that there was a
>> spelling mismatch between the actionType specified in the servicedef and
>> the actionType that is sent through the request. Now, with the change i am
>> getting the Result as "Denied" instead of "allowed". However, the policyId
>> still shows blank.  Is this the right behavior?
>> I am attaching a screenshot for your reference.
>> Regards
>> Aruna
>> On Wed, Dec 16, 2015 at 5:25 AM, Madhan Neethiraj <>
>> wrote:
>>> Aruna,
>>> >> 2nd case --> if a different user "it3" does a "submit-app" on the
>>> "default" queue, then the audit log shows the result as "denied". However,
>>> the policy id is blank, is this the right behavior? the isAccessAllowed
>>> returns “Denied"
>>> Since there was no policy that allowed the access, the request was
>>> denied. Hence the policyId is blank.
>>> >> 3rd case --> if the user "network3" does a "admin-queue" on the
>>> "default" queue, then the audit log shows "allowed", instead of "denied”
>>> The audit log clearly says that the access was granted by policyId=656.
>>> Can you please send the screenshot of the policy? Another possibility is if
>>> your service-def has “ADMIN_QUEUE” as an impliedGrant for “SUBMIT_APP” (as
>>> shown below); can you please check if this is the case?
>>> "accessTypes":
>>> [
>>> {
>>> "itemId": 1,
>>> "name": "SUBMIT_APP",
>>> "label": “SUBMIT_APP”,
>>> "impliedGrants":
>>> [
>>> ]
>>> },
>>> {
>>> "itemId": 2,
>>> "name": “ADMIN_QUEUE",
>>> "label": "ADMIN_QUEUE"
>>> }
>>> ]
>>> Thanks,
>>> Madhan
>>> From: Aruna Sivaram <>
>>> Reply-To: "" <
>>> Date: Monday, December 14, 2015 at 10:47 PM
>>> To: "" <
>>> >
>>> Subject: Re: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin
>>> Madhan,
>>> Let assume that I have created a custom policy named TestPolicy, Policy
>>> Id : 656 for a user  called "network3" giving "submit-app" permissions for
>>> a queue called "default".
>>> 1st case --> , if the same user "network3" does a "submit-app" on the
>>> "default" queue, then the audit log shows the correct result with the
>>> Result as "Allowed",  the isAccessAllowed method returns "Allowed"
>>> 2nd case --> if a different user "it3" does a "submit-app" on the
>>> "default" queue, then the audit log shows the result as "denied". However,
>>> the policy id is blank, is this the right behavior? the isAccessAllowed
>>> returns "Denied"
>>> 3rd case --> if the user "network3" does a "admin-queue" on the
>>> "default" queue, then the audit log shows "allowed", instead of "denied" (I
>>> have created a policy giving only "submit-app" permissions on "default"
>>> queue to network3 user). In such a scenario, what should be done? Currently
>>> my custom authoriser passes the RangerAccessRequestImpl to the
>>> isAccessAllowed Method.
>>> and following are the values of the RangerAccessRequestImpl object in
>>> this scenario.
>>>            RangerAccessRequestImpl request  = new
>>> RangerAccessRequestImpl();
>>>            RangerAccessResourceImpl      resource = new
>>> RangerAccessResourceImpl();
>>>           resource.setValue("queue", default);
>>>            request.setResource(resource);
>>>            request.setAccessType("admin-queue");
>>>            request.setUser("network3");
>>>            request.setAccessTime(new Date());
>>> request.setAccessTime(org.apache.ranger.authorization.utils.StringUtil.getUTCDate());
>>>            request.setAction("admin-queue");
>>>            request.setClientIPAddress("");
>>>           RangerAccessResult result = plugin.isAccessAllowed(request);
>>>          return result == null ? false : result.getIsAllowed();
>>> In this scenario, the isAccessAllowed returns "Allowed", ideally it
>>> should return "denied".
>>> I have attached the screenshot for your reference, which highlights the
>>> 3 cases that i have pointed out.
>>> Regards
>>> Aruna
>>> On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 10:01 PM, Madhan Neethiraj <>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Aruna,
>>>> >> However, in cases, where a user cannot access a resource, the audit
>>>> UI (access tab) should show "denied". However, in my case, it stills shows
>>>> as "allowed" instead of "denied".  It would be helpful if you could tell me
>>>> what needs to be done in such a case. I am invoking the
>>>> isAccessAllowed(<RangerAccessRequest>) from my custom authoriser. Let me
>>>> know what needs to be passed to this API when a user is not allowed to
>>>> access a particular resource.
>>>> 1. Audit log (in access tab) should include the ID of the policy that
>>>> allowed the access. Can you please check?
>>>> 2. What was the return from isAccessAllowed(request)? Allow or Deny?
>>>> If above does not help to identify the issue, can you please send the
>>>> return value from isAccessAllowed(request) and the screenshot of the
>>>> corresponding audit log?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Madhan
>>>> From: Aruna Sivaram <>
>>>> Reply-To: "" <
>>>> Date: Monday, December 14, 2015 at 7:07 AM
>>>> To: "" <
>>>> Subject: Re: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin
>>>> Bosco,
>>>> Thanks for a very detailed explanation, it has given me a very good
>>>> perspective on how ranger works/can be used.
>>>> Our use case is that we plan to use apache ranger for authorization of
>>>> a home grown application that is non hadoop in nature. As we are using
>>>> ranger for the authorization for all the hadoop based components, we plan
>>>> to use ranger for all custom based applications in order to ensure
>>>> consistency as well as use the auditing / GUI and various other features of
>>>> ranger.
>>>> Good news is that, I was able to write a custom plugin & custom
>>>> authoriser in ranger for our service and it is also able to sync
>>>> successfully (as seen in the plugin tab of the audit GUI).  The audit UI
>>>> (access tab) is also showing the details of the policy that has been
>>>> accessed.
>>>> However, in cases, where a user cannot access a resource, the audit UI
>>>> (access tab) should show "denied". However, in my case, it stills shows as
>>>> "allowed" instead of "denied".  It would be helpful if you could tell me
>>>> what needs to be done in such a case. I am invoking the
>>>> isAccessAllowed(<RangerAccessRequest>) from my custom authoriser. Let me
>>>> know what needs to be passed to this API when a user is not allowed to
>>>> access a particular resource.
>>>> Thank you once again.
>>>> Regards
>>>> Aruna
>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 11:41 PM, Don Bosco Durai <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Aruna, can you give more detail on what you are trying to achieve?
>>>>> I was searching for integration design diagram, but couldn’t find one.
>>>>> We will work on creating one. In the meanwhile, here is the high level.
>>>>>    1. Ranger plugins run within the component process.
>>>>>    2. It gives a light java library, which does the following:
>>>>>       1. Provides method to check access.
>>>>>       RangerBasePlugin.isAccessAllow() (explicit, you have to call it)
>>>>>       2. Pulls policies from Ranger Admin (implicit)
>>>>>       3. Does auditing (implicit)
>>>>>    3. Ranger community works closely with the Hadoop component
>>>>>    community for writing plugins for Hadoop components. Currently, there 
>>>>> are
>>>>>    close to 9 plugins available as part of Ranger (HDFS, Hive, Hbase, 
>>>>> Kafka,
>>>>>    Solr, YARN, Storm, Knox and KMS). We are working with the other 
>>>>> communities
>>>>>    to support more.
>>>>>    4. The framework is generic and so you can use Ranger to provide
>>>>>    access control to your home grown application also. The wiki page
>>>>> gives
>>>>>    how to implement custom stack.
>>>>>    5. Ranger design philosophy is not to change the authorization of
>>>>>    the component, but have the component define an interface and abstract 
>>>>> all
>>>>>    the actions the component supports. This way the components are free to
>>>>>    support any actions they want to and evolve them over the period of 
>>>>> time.
>>>>>    This also help other security providers to provide similar 
>>>>> implementation.
>>>>> So if you are planning to write a custom plugin, I assume you are
>>>>> having your app and you want to use Ranger to provide the access control
>>>>> and audit. And if that is the case, some of the questions you have asked
>>>>> applies mostly on your side.
>>>>>    1. log4j: Since Ranger plugin is embedded within the process, it
>>>>>    uses the component’s logging framework. So out here, it will be yours
>>>>>    2. If you want to use Ranger plugin, first you need to create an
>>>>>    interface in your application for authorization. We recommend you 
>>>>> provide
>>>>>    the default/native simple implementation. Ranger will implement the 
>>>>> same
>>>>>    interface, but Ranger implementation will use the policies from Ranger
>>>>>    Admin. You can review the following sample implementations:
>>>>>     and
>>>>>    3. Once your interface is defined, then the wiki pages tells how
>>>>>    to define a service using JSON. Which can be loaded in Ranger Admin. 
>>>>> After
>>>>>    that you can create the policies from Ranger Admin UI, the REST APIs 
>>>>> for
>>>>>    managing polices are automatically possible, the Ranger Admin audit UI 
>>>>> will
>>>>>    start showing the audits, etc.
>>>>> Please give your use case, so we can guide you better.
>>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Bosco
>>>>> From: Ramesh Mani <>
>>>>> Reply-To: <>
>>>>> Date: Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 11:12 PM
>>>>> To: "" <
>>>>> Subject: Re: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin
>>>>> Please find the answer below.
>>>>> From: Aruna Sivaram <>
>>>>> Reply-To: "" <
>>>>> Date: Thursday, December 10, 2015 at 8:34 PM
>>>>> To: "" <
>>>>> Subject: Re: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin
>>>>> Thanks for your quick response.Please find my queries inline.
>>>>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 4:55 AM, Ramesh Mani <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> If you have created a CustomService, and if you want to authorize  the
>>>>>> access of components/resources in your CustomService, then you need to 
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> default authorizer in your CustomService to do authorization, which you
>>>>>> will extend  in your Ranger custom plugin and  will be  called when your
>>>>>> CustomService needs authorization check.
>>>>> [*Aruna] : It would be great if you could provide a snippet/example
>>>>> where the authoriser code present in the plugin is invoked by the existing
>>>>> services (hive/hdfs/storm/kafka) for authorisation. This would give me a
>>>>> better picture as to how it exactly works.*
>>>>> [RM] Each service  dictates how to the register the custom authorizer
>>>>> with it. So you need to refer the respective service’s authorization
>>>>> mechanism.
>>>>>> For logging, as you had seen it uses log4j you can have log4j
>>>>>> appender in the and get the log, all hadoop components 
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> their log4j properties file where it specify the location it puts the 
>>>>>> log.
>>>>>> By default it is /var/log/hadoop/ for hadoop.
>>>>> *[Aruna] : there are many in the ranger code base and
>>>>> there is no specific for each of the plugins. Hence, 
>>>>> which
>>>>> do i need to modify. My aim is to see all the logs
>>>>> generated by my custom plugin. This would enable me to debug the code
>>>>> better.*
>>>>> [RM] Here also each service provides it file and that
>>>>> is where you define appender for ranger also.
>>>>> [Aruna ] : The other thing i wanted to know was how does one start
>>>>> the plugin or rather initiate the plugin which polls for the policies. I
>>>>> see that the enable-<service> scripts sets the environment and
>>>>> copies property files to the right locations, but i dont see where the
>>>>> authoriser is instantiated in order to invoke the init() method of the
>>>>> RangerbasePlugin.
>>>>>  [RM] This is already in the wiki page.
>>>>>> Thanks for all your help
>>>>> Aruna
>>>>>> From: Aruna Sivaram <>
>>>>>> Reply-To: "" <
>>>>>> Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at 9:45 PM
>>>>>> To: "" <
>>>>>> Subject: Queries on the developement for a new custom plugin
>>>>>> I am using ranger 0.5 for the access control. We are planning to
>>>>>> develop a custom plugin which we plan to integrate with the ranger
>>>>>> framework. This custom plugin will be used for access control of our
>>>>>> components. In order to explore this possibility, i have written a custom
>>>>>> plugin as per the example given in the link
>>>>>> Since this is a custom plugin, my authoriser class
>>>>>> (CustomServiceAuthoriser), will not be extending any of the hadoop 
>>>>>> security
>>>>>> classes (Eg in case of storm or hive, the RangerStormAuthoriser 
>>>>>> implements
>>>>>> IAuthorizer and RangerYarnAuthorizer extends YarnAuthorizationProvider.  
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> have created the repository and policies for the same through the rest 
>>>>>> web
>>>>>> service.
>>>>>> I have written the custom service authoriser as per the example and
>>>>>> deployed the same on the sandbox. I have a service named CustomService.
>>>>>> What i wanted to know is how the customservice will communicate with my
>>>>>> customserviceauthoriser which is contained in my plugin. Currently i dont
>>>>>> find any documentation which talks about the mode of communication or
>>>>>> rather how the plugin class will be invoked by the service.
>>>>>> I am relatively new to ranger so may be I am missing something ?
>>>>>> Also, i would like to know the location of the log where each of the
>>>>>> plugin classes would be logging. This will help us in debugging the 
>>>>>> flow. I
>>>>>> see a lot of log statements in the ranger plugin code base but am unable 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> find the location of the logs.
>>>>>> Secondly, can ranger be used to develop custom plugins for access
>>>>>> control of non hadoop components?
>>>>>> Any help from your end would be appreciated
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>> Aruna Sivaram
>>>>> --
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Aruna Sivaram
>>>> --
>>>> Regards
>>>> Aruna Sivaram
>>> --
>>> Regards
>>> Aruna Sivaram
>> --
>> Regards
>> Aruna Sivaram

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