>From: "amjad Shahrour" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Hi there, 
> I am trying to utilize only shale-tiger with ADF faces. 
> I am interested only in using only the view controller services (callbacks). 
> i created a simple (adf) jsf page and used the @View @Preprocess @Init 
> @Prerender @Destroy on the page's backing bean. but nothing seems to take 
> effect (no callbacks are being called). 

It sounds like you are missing the binding between a JSF view and a managed 
bean.  This is handled by a naming convention.  The JSF viewId is normalized 
into a value that must have a corresponding managed.  

So if your target page was "/something.jsf", the ViewController should be 
registered as a managed bean by the name of "something".  The default mapper, 
removes the suffix of the viewId and replaces the "/" with "$".  You can 
override the default mapper if you want to create your own rules.

Since your are using the tiger annotations (you also need shale-tiger besides 
shale-view and shale-core), you could register your ViewControllers as managed 
beans with the following annotation:

@Bean(name = "something", scope = Scope.REQUEST)

> following is the web.xml file content 
> thanks in advance 


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