Thank you very much Craig and Wendy! I will be implementing Shale's clay with 
IBM JSF implementation. I will be posting more questions if I run into any 

Craig McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On 4/10/07, Wendy Smoak wrote:
> On 4/10/07, apurva mistry wrote:
> > I downloaded shale-framework-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT, and ran maven build. I build 
> > against the JavaServer Faces Reference Implementation by adding -Djsf=ri to 
> > the command line. But not sure if it really generated the jars with JSF ref 
> > implementation and not Apache myFaces (that is default).
> > Also, does the pom.xml only generates Jar files? What about the web pages 
> > in several applications, doesn't it need to create a War file. I would 
> > appreciate if someon can share any knowledge/information.
> Looking through the build files briefly, I think -Djsf=ri (or
> -Djsf=ri12) is only applicable for the webapps, where you can choose
> which JSF implementation to include in WEB-INF/lib.
> The framework itself builds against the api, so there isn't much to be
> gained by building against MyFaces vs. the RI.
> To build the framework and webapps, try 'mvn clean install -Papps'

Wendy's comments are spot on.

When you *build* Shale, it doesn't really matter whether you are using
the RI or any other implementation that has passed the compatibility
tests (as MyFaces has for JSF 1.1). The API classes will have exactly
the same public API, so the build process will be identical with any
of them.

What can potentially differ is what happens when you deploy an
application, and are required to choose one JSF implementation or the
other (for JSF 1.1 ... for 1.2 the app server will have a built in
version that it may or may not be possible to override, consult your
app server's documentation for that). Each implementation will have
it's own set of "beyond the spec" features, and its own set of bugs.
But, if you program your app properly (i.e. you only use the
javax.faces.* APIs) you should be able to switch back and forth at

>From the perspective of using Shale in an application, then, it really
doesn't matter which JSF implementation Shale itself was compiled
against. What matters is which implementation you choose to use in
your own applications.


> If you have more questions about building Shale from source or using
> snapshots, please come join us on the development list.
> --
> Wendy Smoak

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