Dear Hermod,

Thank you for your help. When running maven on the mojo folder like you
explained I get the following error. The same reason also keeps me from
succeeding in the mvn clean install on the test folder:

----------the error---------------

[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) org.apache.shale:Tld2ClayCfg:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command:
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.shale
fg \
          -Dversion=1.0-SNAPSHOT -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Path to dependency:
        1) org.apache.shale:Tld2ClayCfgMojo:maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT
        2) org.apache.shale:Tld2ClayCfg:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT

1 required artifact is missing.

for artifact:

from the specified remote repositories:
  central (

-----------end error---------------

Unfortunately I am new to Maven so don't fully grasp its purpose and
workings. It seems like I need a missing Tld2ClayCfg jar. Could you point me
in the right direction please?

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Hermod Opstvedt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2007 1:09 AM
Subject: SV: using tld2claycfg


I answered this yesterday, but it seems that mail sent from work uses 4-5
days to reach the list.

Download the source from[1]

Build the Maven plugin in the folder mojo by using mvn clean install
In the test folder open the Mavne POM and tweak it according to what you
want (the tld section and the dependency section).
Run mvn clean install in the test folder. The generated jar in the target
folder contains the Clay config files you want.



-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: Torsten Krah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sendt: 17. april 2007 13:43
Emne: Re: using tld2claycfg

I guess Hermod does, because he made it.

My problem is, i cant build the tool with maven, maybe i am doing
something wrong - so Hermod, can you give us a short intro what to do to
build it after svn checkout and how to create the clay config files?


Am Sonntag, den 15.04.2007, 12:40 +1200 schrieb JS Portal Support:
> Hi,
> I've been trying to find some documentation on how to use the tld2claycfg.
> want to use some myfaces sandbox components but can't find the clay config
> file for it and understand you can create it with tld2claycfg. Does anyone
> know how and where?
> Thanks,
> Joost Schouten

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