Hello Christopher,

Users keep asking for varagrs [1]. However, as I stated at the time,
given that SLF4J is intended used by all sorts of libraries, the
dependency graph between libraries and SLF4J can be surprisingly
complex. In particular, it would not be unusual for the dependency
graph to have multiple dependencies on SLF4J with *different*
versions. Thus, we have to be extra-careful and conservative when
changing the SLF4J API.

I regret to disappoint our users but except for bug fixes, do not
expect any changes to the SLF4J API.

[1] http://www.slf4j.org/pipermail/user/2008-January/000468.html

> Has there been any more discussion lately about updating the API to 
> support varargs and perhaps printf?

Ceki Gülcü
QOS.ch is looking to hire talented developers in Switzerland.  If
interested, please contact c e k i AT q o s . c h

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