I also use IntelliJ 13 on a Mac, with only Java 7, and have never seen this.

If you look at the Spark build, you will see that it specifies Java 6, not 7.
Even if you changed java.version in the build, you would not get this
error, since it specifies source and target to be the same value.
In fact it would be fine to specify source/target 7 too, if you wanted
to for your own purposes.

The error says you changed the module source JDK level to be 7, but
are asking it to output Java 6 bytecode.

My guess is you inadvertently set the source language level to 7 in
IntelliJ. Check that. If so, try telling IntelliJ to reimport the
Maven project from the top-level pom.xml and it should override any of
Sean Owen | Director, Data Science | London

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Yanzhe Chen <yanzhe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, all
> I'm trying to build Spark in IntelliJ IDEA 13.
> I clone the latest repo and run sbt/sbt gen-idea in the root folder.
> Then import it into IntelliJ IDEA. Scala plugin for IntelliJ IDEA has been
> installed.
> Everything seems ok until I ran Build > Make Project:
> Information: Using javac 1.7.0_51 to compile java sources
> Information: java: Errors occurred while compiling module 'spark-core'
> Information: Modules "spark-streaming-flume-build", "spark-repl-build",
> "spark-graphx-build", "spark-tools-build", "spark-streaming-kafka-build" and
> 9 others were fully rebuilt due to project configuration/dependencies
> changes
> Information: Compilation completed with 1 error and 1 warning in 23 sec
> Information: 1 error
> Information: 1 warning
> Error: java: javacTask: source release 1.7 requires target release 1.7
> Warning: scalac: there were 56 feature warning(s); re-run with -feature for
> details
> I have only JDK 1.7 installed and the settings of Java Compiler are all
> targeting to 1.7. So what does this error mean?
> Besides, project can be compiled correctly from console and examples can
> also run smoothly from console. The reason that I want to build from
> IntelliJ IDEA is that I want to do some debugging. Anyone can show me a
> better way to debug Spark (like I can step in / out some functions and check
> variables in real time) ?
> Best,
> Yanzhe

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