Jim, I'm starting to document the heap size settings all in one place,
which has been a confusion for a lot of my peers.  Maybe you can take a
look at this ticket?


On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 12:53 AM, Jim Blomo <jim.bl...@gmail.com> wrote:

> To document this, it would be nice to clarify what environment
> variables should be used to set which Java system properties, and what
> type of process they affect.  I'd be happy to start a page if you can
> point me to the right place:
>   -Dspark.executor.memory can by set on the machine running the driver
> (typically the master host) and will affect the memory available to
> the Executor running on a slave node
>   -D....
>   ....
> On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Jim Blomo <jim.bl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for the suggestion, Matei.  I've tracked this down to a setting
> > I had to make on the Driver.  It looks like spark-env.sh has no impact
> > on the Executor, which confused me for a long while with settings like
> > SPARK_EXECUTOR_MEMORY.  The only setting that mattered was setting the
> > system property in the *driver* (in this case pyspark/shell.py) or
> > using -Dspark.executor.memory in SPARK_JAVA_OPTS *on the master*.  I'm
> > not sure how this varies from 0.9.0 release, but it seems to work on
> >
> > On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 11:52 PM, Matei Zaharia <matei.zaha...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >> Try checking spark-env.sh on the workers as well. Maybe code there is
> >> somehow overriding the spark.executor.memory setting.
> >>
> >> Matei
> >>
> >> On Mar 18, 2014, at 6:17 PM, Jim Blomo <jim.bl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> Hello, I'm using the Github snapshot of PySpark and having trouble
> setting
> >> the worker memory correctly. I've set spark.executor.memory to 5g, but
> >> somewhere along the way Xmx is getting capped to 512M. This was not
> >> occurring with the same setup and 0.9.0. How many places do I need to
> >> configure the memory? Thank you!
> >>
> >>

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