Thanks, Andras. What approach did you use to setup a spark cluster on
google compute engine? Currently, there is no production-ready official
support for an equivalent of spark-ec2 on gce. Did you roll your own?

On Thu, Apr 17, 2014 at 10:24 AM, Andras Nemeth <> wrote:

> Hello!
> On Wed, Apr 16, 2014 at 7:59 PM, Aureliano Buendia 
> <>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Google has publisheed a new connector for hadoop: google cloud storage,
>> which is an equivalent of amazon s3:
> This is actually about Cloud Datastore and not Cloud Storage (yeah, quite
> confusing naming ;) ). But they do already have for a while a cloud storage
> connector, also linked from your article:
>> How can spark be configured to use this connector?
> Yes, it can, but in a somewhat hacky way. The problem is that for some
> reason Google does not officially publish the library jar alone, you get it
> installed as part of a Hadoop on Google Cloud installation. So, the
> official way would be (we did not try that) to have a Hadoop on Google
> Cloud installation and run spark on top of that.
> The other option - that we did try and which works fine for us - is to
> snatch the jar:
> make sure it's shipped to your workers (e.g. with setJars on SparkConf when
> you create your SparkContext). Then create a core-site.xml file which you
> make sure is on the classpath both in your driver and your cluster (e.g.
> you can make sure it ends up in one of the jars you send with setJars
> above) with this content (with YOUR_* replaced):
> <configuration>
> <property><name></name><value></value></property>
>   <property><name>
> </name><value>YOUR_PROJECT_ID</value></property>
> <property><name></name><value>YOUR_FAVORITE_BUCKET</value></property>
> </configuration>
> From this point on you can simply use gs://... filenames to read/write
> data on Cloud Storage.
> Note that you should run your cluster and driver program on Google Compute
> Engine for this to work as is. Probably it's possible to configure access
> from the outside too but we didn't do that.
> Hope this helps,
> Andras

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