It worked!! Many thanks for your brilliant support.

On 24 April 2014 18:20, diplomatic Guru <> wrote:

> Many thanks for your prompt reply. I'll try your suggestions and will get
> back to you.
> On 24 April 2014 18:17, Michael Armbrust <> wrote:
>> Oh, and you'll also need to add a dependency on "spark-sql_2.10".
>> On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Michael Armbrust <
>>> wrote:
>>> Yeah, you'll need to run `sbt publish-local` to push the jars to your
>>> local maven repository (~/.m2) and then depend on version 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.
>>> On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 9:58 AM, diplomatic Guru <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> It's a simple application based on the "People" example.
>>>> I'm using Maven for building and below is the pom.xml. Perhaps, I need
>>>> to change the version?
>>>> <project>
>>>>   <groupId>Uthay.Test.App</groupId>
>>>>     <artifactId>test-app</artifactId>
>>>>       <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
>>>>         <name>TestApp</name>
>>>>           <packaging>jar</packaging>
>>>>             <version>1.0</version>
>>>>         <repositories>
>>>>             <repository>
>>>>                  <id>Akka repository</id>
>>>>                  <url></url>
>>>>             </repository>
>>>>         </repositories>
>>>>         <dependencies>
>>>>            <dependency> <!-- Spark dependency -->
>>>>                 <groupId>org.apache.spark</groupId>
>>>>                 <artifactId>spark-core_2.10</artifactId>
>>>>                 <version>0.9.1</version>
>>>>            </dependency>
>>>>         </dependencies>
>>>> </project>
>>>> On 24 April 2014 17:47, Michael Armbrust <>wrote:
>>>>> You shouldn't need to set SPARK_HIVE=true unless you want to use the
>>>>> JavaHiveContext.  You should be able to access
>>>>> with the default build.
>>>>> How are you building your application?
>>>>> Michael
>>>>> On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 9:17 AM, Andrew Or <>wrote:
>>>>>> Did you build it with SPARK_HIVE=true?
>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 24, 2014 at 7:00 AM, diplomatic Guru <
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Matei,
>>>>>>> I checked out the git repository and built it. However, I'm still
>>>>>>> getting below error. It couldn't find those SQL packages. Please advice.
>>>>>>> package does not exist
>>>>>>> [ERROR]
>>>>>>> /home/[49,8]
>>>>>>> cannot find symbol
>>>>>>> [ERROR] symbol  : class JavaSchemaRDD
>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>> Raj.
>>>>>>> On 23 April 2014 22:09, Matei Zaharia <>wrote:
>>>>>>>> It’s currently in the master branch, on
>>>>>>>> You can check that out from git,
>>>>>>>> build it with sbt/sbt assembly, and then try it out. We’re also going 
>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> post some release candidates soon that will be pre-built.
>>>>>>>> Matei
>>>>>>>> On Apr 23, 2014, at 1:30 PM, diplomatic Guru <
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> > Hello Team,
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I'm new to SPARK and just came across SPARK SQL, which appears to
>>>>>>>> be interesting but not sure how I could get it.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > I know it's an Alpha version but not sure if its available for
>>>>>>>> community yet.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Many thanks.
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> > Raj.

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