
        I am running a simple word count program on spark standalone cluster. 
The cluster is made up of 6 node, each run 4 worker and each worker own 10G 
memory and 16 core thus total 96 core and 240G memory. ( well, also used to 
configed as 1 worker with 40G memory on each node )

        I run a very small data set (2.4GB on HDFS on total) to confirm the 
problem here as below:

        As you can read from part of the task metrics as below, I noticed that 
the shuffle spill part of metrics indicate that there are something wrong.

Executor ID     Address Task Time       Total Tasks     Failed Tasks    
Succeeded Tasks Shuffle Read    Shuffle Write   Shuffle Spill (Memory)  Shuffle 
Spill (Disk)
0       sr437:42139     29 s    4       0       4       0.0 B   4.3 MB  23.6 GB 
4.3 MB
1       sr433:46935     1.1 min 4       0       4       0.0 B   4.2 MB  19.0 GB 
3.4 MB
10      sr436:53277     26 s    4       0       4       0.0 B   4.3 MB  25.6 GB 
4.6 MB
11      sr437:58872     32 s    4       0       4       0.0 B   4.3 MB  25.0 GB 
4.4 MB
12      sr435:48358     27 s    4       0       4       0.0 B   4.3 MB  25.1 GB 
4.4 MB

You can see that the Shuffle Spill (Memory) is pretty high, almost 5000x of the 
actual shuffle data and Shuffle Spill (Disk), and also it seems to me that by 
no means that the spill should trigger, since the memory is not used up at all.

To verify that I further reduce the data size to 240MB on total

And here is the result:

Executor ID     Address Task Time       Total Tasks     Failed Tasks    
Succeeded Tasks Shuffle Read    Shuffle Write   Shuffle Spill (Memory)  Shuffle 
Spill (Disk)
0       sr437:50895     15 s    4       0       4       0.0 B   703.0 KB        
80.0 MB 43.2 KB
1       sr433:50207     17 s    4       0       4       0.0 B   704.7 KB        
389.5 MB        90.2 KB
10      sr436:56352     16 s    4       0       4       0.0 B   700.9 KB        
814.9 MB        181.6 KB
11      sr437:53099     15 s    4       0       4       0.0 B   689.7 KB        
0.0 B   0.0 B
12      sr435:48318     15 s    4       0       4       0.0 B   702.1 KB        
427.4 MB        90.7 KB
13      sr433:59294     17 s    4       0       4       0.0 B   704.8 KB        
779.9 MB        180.3 KB

Nothing prevent spill from happening.

Now, there seems to me that there must be something wrong with the spill 
trigger codes. 

So anyone encounter this issue?  By the way, I am using latest trunk code.

Best Regards,
Raymond Liu

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