Hi Anders,

Have you checked your NodeManager logs to make sure YARN isn't killing
executors for exceeding memory limits?


On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 8:20 AM, Anders Arpteg <arp...@spotify.com> wrote:

> Hey,
> I have a job that keeps failing if too much data is processed, and I can't
> see how to get it working. I've tried repartitioning with more partitions
> and increasing amount of memory for the executors (now about 12G and 400
> executors. Here is a snippets of the first part of the code, which succeeds
> without any problems:
>     val all_days = sc.union(
>       ds.dateInterval(startDate, date).map(date =>
>         sc.avroFile[LrDailyEndSong](daily_end_song_path + date)
>           .map(s => (
>             (s.getUsername, s.getTrackUri),
>             UserItemData(s.getUsername, s.getTrackUri,
>               build_vector1(date, s),
>               build_vector2(s))))
>       )
>     )
>       .reduceByKey(sum_vectors)
> I want to process 30 days of data or more, but am only able to process
> about 10 days. If having more days of data (lower startDate in code
> above), the union above succeeds but the code below fails with "Error
> communicating with MapOutputTracker" (see http://pastebin.com/fGDCXPkL
> for more detailed error messages). Here is a snippet of the code that fails:
>     val top_tracks = all_days.map(t => (t._1._2.toString, 1)).reduceByKey
> (_+_)
>       .filter(trackFilter)
>       .repartition(40000)
>       .persist(StorageLevel.MEMORY_AND_DISK_SER)
>     val observation_data = all_days
>       .mapPartitions(_.map(o => (o._1._2.toString, o._2)))
>       .join(top_tracks)
> The calculation of top_tracks works, but the last mapPartitions task
> fails with given error message if given more than 10 days of data. Also
> tried increasing the spark.akka.askTimeout setting, but it still fails
> even if 10-folding the timeout setting to 300 seconds. I'm using Spark 1.2
> and the kryo serialization.
> Realize that this is a rather long message, but I'm stuck and would
> appreciate any help or clues for resolving this issue. Seems to be a
> out-of-memory issue, but it does not seems to help to increase the number
> of partitions.
> Thanks,
> Anders

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