Try writing this Spark Streaming idiom in Java and you'll choose Scala soon

dstream.foreachRDD{rdd =>
     rdd.foreachPartition( partition => ....)

When deciding between Java and Scala for Spark, IMHO Scala has the
upperhand. If you're concerned with readability, have a look at the Scala
coding style recently open sourced by DataBricks:  (btw, I don't agree a good
part of it, but recognize that it can keep the most complex Scala
constructions out of your code)

On Thu, Mar 19, 2015 at 3:50 PM, James King <> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I'm using Spark for streaming but I'm unclear one which implementation
> language to use Java, Scala or Python.
> I don't know anything about Python, familiar with Scala and have been
> doing Java for a long time.
> I think the above shouldn't influence my decision on which language to use
> because I believe the tool should, fit the problem.
> In terms of performance Java and Scala are comparable. However Java is OO
> and Scala is FP, no idea what Python is.
> If using Scala and not applying a consistent style of programming Scala
> code can become unreadable, but I do like the fact it seems to be possible
> to do so much work with so much less code, that's a strong selling point
> for me. Also it could be that the type of programming done in Spark is best
> implemented in Scala as FP language, not sure though.
> The question I would like your good help with is are there any other
> considerations I need to think about when deciding this? are there any
> recommendations you can make in regards to this?
> Regards
> jk

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