I have data in my ElasticSearch server, when I query it using rest
interface, I get results and score for each result, but when I run the
same query in spark using ElasticSearch API,  I get results and meta
data, but the score is shown 0 for each record.
My configuration is

val conf = new SparkConf()
  .setAppName("DBpedia to ElasticSearch")
  .set("es.index.auto.create", "true")

val sc = new SparkContext(conf) 
val test= Map("query"->"{\n\"query\":{\n \"fuzzy_like_this\" : {\n \"fields\" : 
[\"label\"],\n \"like_text\" : \"102nd Ohio Infantry\" }\n  } \n}")
val mYRDD = sc.esRDD("dbpedia/docs",test.get("query").get)

Sample output:
Map(id -> "http://dbpedia.org/resource/Alert,_Ohio";, label -> "Alert, Ohio", 
category -> "Unincorporated communities in Ohio", abstract -> "Alert is an 
unincorporated community in southern Morgan Township, Butler County, Ohio, in 
the United States. It is located about ten miles southwest of Hamilton on 
Howards Creek, a tributary of the Great Miami River in section 28 of R1ET3N of 
the Congress Lands. It is three miles west of Shandon and two miles south of 
Okeana.", _metadata -> Map(_index -> dbpedia, _type -> docs, _id -> 
AUy5aQs7895C6HE5GmG4, _score -> 0.0))

As you can see _score is 0.

Would appreciate any help,


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