Thank you Iulian !  That's precisely what I discovered today.


On Wed, Apr 22, 2015 at 3:31 PM Iulian DragoČ™ <>

> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 2:38 PM, Marius Danciu <>
> wrote:
>> Hello anyone,
>> I have a question regarding the sort shuffle. Roughly I'm doing something
>> like:
>> rdd.mapPartitionsToPair(f1).groupByKey().mapPartitionsToPair(f2)
>> The problem is that in f2 I don't see the keys being sorted. The keys are
>> Java Comparable  not scala.math.Ordered or scala.math.Ordering (it would be
>> weird for each key to implement Ordering as mentioned in the JIRA item
>> Questions:
>> 1. Do I need to explicitly sortByKey ? (if I do this I can see the keys
>> correctly sorted in f2) ... but I'm worried about the extra costs since
>> Spark 1.3.0 is supposed to use the SORT shuffle manager by default, right ?
> AFAIK the sort shuffle is not sorting *inside* each partition, unless the
> shuffle comes from a sort. Otherwise, the shuffle file contains keys in
> sorted order of their partitions= IDs. More details can be found in the
> design document attached to SPARK-2045
> <>. This was enough to
> improve memory consumption.
>> 2. Do I need each key to be an scala.math.Ordered ? ... is Java
>> Comparable used at all ?
> There's implicit conversions from Comparable to Ordered, but that only
> works for Scala code. Since you're using the Java API, I'm not sure what
> you mean here. You can call `JavaPairRDD.sortByKey(comp)` with your own
> comparator.
> cheers,
> iulian
>> ... btw I'm using Spark from Java ... don't ask me why :)
>> Best,
>> Marius
> --
> --
> Iulian Dragos
> ------
> Reactive Apps on the JVM

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