raja! I found the answer to your question!
Look at
this is what you (and I) was looking for.
general idea - you read the list as text where project Details is just a
string field and then you build the JSON string representation of the whole
line and you have a nested JSON schema which SparkSQL can read.


On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 10:26 AM Eran Witkon <eranwit...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I don't have the exact answer for you but I would look for something using
> explode method on DataFrame
> On Thu, Dec 24, 2015 at 7:34 AM Bharathi Raja <raja...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Gokul, but the file I have had the same format as I have
>> mentioned. First two columns are not in Json format.
>> Thanks,
>> Raja
>> ------------------------------
>> From: Gokula Krishnan D <email2...@gmail.com>
>> Sent: ‎12/‎24/‎2015 2:44 AM
>> To: Eran Witkon <eranwit...@gmail.com>
>> Cc: raja kbv <raja...@yahoo.com>; user@spark.apache.org
>> Subject: Re: How to Parse & flatten JSON object in a text file using
>> Spark &Scala into Dataframe
>> You can try this .. But slightly modified the  input structure since
>> first two columns were not in Json format.
>> [image: Inline image 1]
>> Thanks & Regards,
>> Gokula Krishnan* (Gokul)*
>> On Wed, Dec 23, 2015 at 9:46 AM, Eran Witkon <eranwit...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Did you get a solution for this?
>>> On Tue, 22 Dec 2015 at 20:24 raja kbv <raja...@yahoo.com.invalid> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am new to spark.
>>>> I have a text file with below structure.
>>>> (employeeID: Int, Name: String, ProjectDetails:
>>>> JsonObject{[{ProjectName, Description, Duriation, Role}]})
>>>> Eg:
>>>> (123456, Employee1, {“ProjectDetails”:[
>>>>                                                          {
>>>> “ProjectName”: “Web Develoement”, “Description” : “Online Sales website”,
>>>> “Duration” : “6 Months” , “Role” : “Developer”}
>>>>                                                          {
>>>> “ProjectName”: “Spark Develoement”, “Description” : “Online Sales
>>>> Analysis”, “Duration” : “6 Months” , “Role” : “Data Engineer”}
>>>>                                                          {
>>>> “ProjectName”: “Scala Training”, “Description” : “Training”, “Duration” :
>>>> “1 Month” }
>>>>                                                           ]
>>>>                                                 }
>>>> Could someone help me to parse & flatten the record as below dataframe
>>>> using scala?
>>>> employeeID,Name, ProjectName, Description, Duration, Role
>>>> 123456, Employee1, Web Develoement, Online Sales website, 6 Months ,
>>>> Developer
>>>> 123456, Employee1, Spark Develoement, Online Sales Analysis, 6 Months,
>>>> Data Engineer
>>>> 123456, Employee1, Scala Training, Training, 1 Month, null
>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Raja

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