Is there particular reason you cannot use temporary table ?


On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 10:59 AM, Ashok Kumar <> wrote:

> Thank you sir.
> Can one do this sorting without using temporary table if possible?
> Best
> On Saturday, 27 February 2016, 18:50, Yin Yang <> wrote:
> scala>  Seq((1, "b", "test"), (2, "a", "foo")).toDF("id", "a",
> "b").registerTempTable("test")
> scala> val df = sql("SELECT struct(id, b, a) from test order by b")
> df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [struct(id, b, a): struct<id: int, b:
> string ... 1 more field>]
> scala>
> +----------------+
> |struct(id, b, a)|
> +----------------+
> |       [2,foo,a]|
> |      [1,test,b]|
> +----------------+
> On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 10:25 AM, Ashok Kumar <
>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I like to be able to solve this using arrays.
> I have two dimensional array of (String,Int) with 5  entries say
> arr("A",20), arr("B",13), arr("C", 18), arr("D",10), arr("E",19)
> I like to write a small code to order these in the order of highest Int
> column so I will have arr("A",20), arr("E",19), arr("C",18) ....
> What is the best way of doing this using arrays only?
> Thanks

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