Dear fellow Spark Users,

My Spark Streaming application (Spark 2.0 , on AWS EMR yarn cluster)
listens to Campaigns based on live stock feeds and the batch duration is 5
seconds. The applications uses Kafka DirectStream and based on the feed
source there are three streams. As given in the code snippet I am doing a
union of three streams and I am trying to remove the duplicate campaigns
received using reduceByKey based on the customer and campaignId. I could
see lot of duplicate email being send out for the same key in the same
batch.I was expecting reduceByKey to remove the duplicate campaigns in a
batch based on customer and campaignId. In logs I am even printing the the
key,batch time before sending the email and I could clearly see duplicates.
I could see some duplicates getting removed after adding log in reduceByKey
Function, but its not eliminating completely .

JavaDStream<Campaign> matchedCampaigns =
JavaPairDStream<String, Campaign> uniqueCampaigns =
        String key=campaign.getCustomer()+"_"+campaign.getId();
        return new Tuple2<String, Campaigns>(key, campaign);
    }).reduceByKey((campaign1, campaign2)->{return campaign1;});


I am not able to figure out where I am going wrong here . Please help me
here to get rid of this weird problem. Previously we were using
createStream for listening to Kafka Queue (number of partitions 1) , there
we didn't face this issue. But when we moved to directStream (number of
partitions 100) we could easily reproduce this issue on high load .

*Note:* I even tried reduceByKeyAndWindow with duration of 5 seconds
instead of reduceByKey Operation, But even that didn't
Durations.Seconds(5), Durations.Seconds(5))
I have even requested for help on Stackoverflow , But I haven't received
any solutions to this issue.

*Stack Overflow Link================*

Thanks and Regards

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