So, I tried to use SparkAppHandle.Listener with SparkLauncher as you
suggested. The behavior of Launcher is not what I expected.

1- If I start the job (using SparkLauncher) and my Spark cluster has enough
cores available, I receive events in my class extending
SparkAppHandle.Listener and I see the status getting changed from

2- If my Spark cluster has cores only for my Driver process (running in
cluster mode) but no cores for my executor, then I still receive the RUNNING
event. I was expecting something else since my executor has no cores and
Master UI shows WAITING state for executors, listener should respond with
SUBMITTED state instead of RUNNING.

3- If my Spark cluster has no cores for even the driver process then
SparkLauncher invokes no events at all. The state stays in UNKNOWN. I would
have expected it to be in SUBMITTED state atleast.

*Is there any way with which I can reliably get the WAITING state of job?*
Driver=RUNNING, executor=RUNNING, overall state should be RUNNING
Driver=RUNNING, executor=WAITING overall state should be SUBMITTED/WAITING
Driver=WAITING, executor=WAITING overall state should be

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