I have researched this for a significant amount of time and find answers
that seem to be for a slightly different question than mine.

The Spark 2.3.3 cluster is running fine. I see the GUI on “
http://master-address:8080";, there are 2 idle workers, as configured.

I have a Scala application that creates a context and starts execution of a
Job. I *do not use spark-submit*, I start the Job programmatically and this
is where many explanations forks from my question.

In "my-app" I create a new SparkConf, with the following code (slightly

      conf.set(“deployMode”, “cluster”)
      // other settings like driver and executor memory requests
      // the driver and executor memory requests are for all mem on the
slaves, more than
      // mem available on the launching machine with “my-app"
      val jars = listJars(“/path/to/lib")

When I launch the job I see 2 executors running on the 2 workers/slaves.
Everything seems to run fine and sometimes completes successfully. Frequent
failures are the reason for this question.

Where is the Driver running? I don’t see it in the GUI, I see 2 Executors
taking all cluster resources. With a Yarn cluster I would expect the
“Driver" to run on/in the Yarn Master but I am using the Spark Standalone
Master, where is the Drive part of the Job running?

If is is running in the Master, we are in trouble because I start the
Master on one of my 2 Workers sharing resources with one of the Executors.
Executor mem + driver mem is > available mem on a Worker. I can change this
but need so understand where the Driver part of the Spark Job runs. Is it
in the Spark Master, or inside and Executor, or ???

The “Driver” creates and broadcasts some large data structures so the need
for an answer is more critical than with more typical tiny Drivers.

Thanks for you help!

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