My name is Peiwen. I'm working with Dr. Brain, an AI company focused on medical 
imaging processing and deep learning. Our website 
is http://drbrain.net/index_en.aspx
We basically do 2 major things. 1. image process, like lesion drawing 2. deep 
learning for neural disease prediction, like stroke, Alzheimer's Disease.
Currently we use Tensorflow and other deep learning frameworks. Due to the size 
of the medical image (1 ~ 5 GB per record), with traditional framework on 
single computer, it takes long time (a few hours) for data processing and model 
training before we get the result.
I'm writing the email to check if there's some good solution that Apache Spark 
can provide to accelerate the calculation. 
I know Tensorflow can work with Spark. Just want to have a brief understanding 
that compared to traditional Tensorflow, how faster Apache Spark can help 
achieve, saying a cluster of 10 nodes.

Thank you very much!


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