Interesting discussion here, looks like Spark does not support configuring
different number of executors in different stages. Would love to see the
community come out such a feature.

On Thu, Nov 3, 2022 at 9:10 AM Shay Elbaz <> wrote:

> Thanks again Artemis, I really appreciate it. I have watched the video
> but did not find an answer.
> Please bear with me just one more iteration 🙂
> Maybe I'll be more specific:
> Suppose I start the application with maxExecutors=500, executors.cores=2,
> because that's the amount of resources needed for the ETL part. But for the
> DL part I only need 20 GPUs. SLS API only allows to set the resources per
> executor/task, so Spark would (try to) allocate up to 500 GPUs, assuming I
> configure the profile with 1 GPU per executor.
> So, the question is how do I limit the stage resources to 20 GPUs total?
> Thanks again,
> Shay
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Artemis User <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 3, 2022 5:23 PM
> *To:* <>
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: Re: Stage level scheduling - lower the number
> of executors when using GPUs
> *ATTENTION:* This email originated from outside of GM.
>   Shay,  You may find this video helpful (with some API code samples that
> you are looking for).
> The issue here isn't how to limit the number of executors but to request
> for the right GPU-enabled executors dynamically.  Those executors used in
> pre-GPU stages should be returned back to resource managers with dynamic
> resource allocation enabled (and with the right DRA policies).  Hope this
> helps..
> Unfortunately there isn't a lot of detailed docs for this topic since GPU
> acceleration is kind of new in Spark (not straightforward like in TF).   I
> wish the Spark doc team could provide more details in the next release...
> On 11/3/22 2:37 AM, Shay Elbaz wrote:
> Thanks Artemis. We are *not* using Rapids, but rather using GPUs through
> the Stage Level Scheduling feature with ResourceProfile. In Kubernetes
> you have to turn on shuffle tracking for dynamic allocation, anyhow.
> The question is how we can limit the *number of executors *when building
> a new ResourceProfile, directly (API) or indirectly (some advanced
> workaround).
> Thanks,
> Shay
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Artemis User <> <>
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 3, 2022 1:16 AM
> *To:* <>
> <>
> *Subject:* [EXTERNAL] Re: Stage level scheduling - lower the number of
> executors when using GPUs
> *ATTENTION:* This email originated from outside of GM.
>   Are you using Rapids for GPU support in Spark?  Couple of options you
> may want to try:
>    1. In addition to dynamic allocation turned on, you may also need to
>    turn on external shuffling service.
>    2. Sounds like you are using Kubernetes.  In that case, you may also
>    need to turn on shuffle tracking.
>    3. The "stages" are controlled by the APIs.  The APIs for dynamic
>    resource request (change of stage) do exist, but only for RDDs (e.g.
>    TaskResourceRequest and ExecutorResourceRequest).
> On 11/2/22 11:30 AM, Shay Elbaz wrote:
> Hi,
> Our typical applications need less *executors* for a GPU stage than for a
> CPU stage. We are using dynamic allocation with stage level scheduling, and
> Spark tries to maximize the number of executors also during the GPU stage,
> causing a bit of resources chaos in the cluster. This forces us to use a
> lower value for 'maxExecutors' in the first place, at the cost of the CPU
> stages performance. Or try to solve this in the Kubernets scheduler level,
> which is not straightforward and doesn't feel like the right way to go.
> Is there a way to effectively use less executors in Stage Level
> Scheduling? The API does not seem to include such an option, but maybe
> there is some more advanced workaround?
> Thanks,
> Shay

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