Hello Mich,
Thanking you for providing these useful feedbacks and responses.
We appreciate your contribution to this community forum. I for myself find your 
posts insightful.
+1 for me
    On Wednesday, 6 September 2023 at 18:34:27 BST, Mich Talebzadeh 
<mich.talebza...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Hi Varun,
In answer to your questions, these are my views. However, they are just views 
and cannot be taken as facts so to speak
Focus and Time Management: I often struggle with maintaining focus and 
effectively managing my time. This leads to productivity issues and affects my 
ability to undertake and complete projects efficiently.

   - Set clear goals.
   - Prioritize tasks.
   - Create a to-do list.
   - Avoid multitasking.   

   - Eliminate distractions.
   - Take regular breaks.   

   - Go to the gym and try to rest your mind and refresh yourself .
Graduate Studies Dilemma:

   - Your mileage varies and it all depends on what you are trying to achieve. 
Graduate Studies will help you to think independently and out of the box. Will 
also lead you on "how to go about solving the problem". So it will give you 
that experience. 
Long-Term Project Building: I am interested in working on long-term projects, 
but I am uncertain about the right approach and how to stay committed 
throughout the project's lifecycle.

   - I assume you have a degree. That means that you had the discipline to wake 
up in the morning, go to lectures and not to miss the lectures (hopefully you 
did not!). In other words, it proves that you have already been through a 
structured discipline and you have the will to do it. 
Overcoming Fear of Failure and Procrastination: I often find myself in a 
constant fear mode of failure, which leads to abandoning pet projects shortly 
after starting them or procrastinating over initiating new ones.

   - Failure is natural and can and do happen. However, the important point is 
that you learn from your failures. Just call them experience. You need to 
overcome fear of failure and embrace the challenges.
Risk Aversion: With no inherited wealth or financial security, I am often 
apprehensive about taking risks, even when they may potentially lead to 
significant personal or professional growth.

   - Welcome to the club! In 2020, it was estimated that in the UK, the richest 
10% of households hold 43% of all wealth. The poorest 50% by contrast own just 
9%  Risk is part of life. When crossing the street, you are taking a calculated 
view of the cars coming and going.In short, risk assessment is a fundamental 
aspect of life!
Mich Talebzadeh,Distinguished Technologist, Solutions Architect & Engineer
United Kingdom

   view my Linkedin profile



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On Tue, 5 Sept 2023 at 22:17, Varun Shah <varunshah100...@gmail.com> wrote:

Dear Apache Spark Community,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to seek your valuable insights 
and advice on some challenges I've been facing in my career and personal 
development journey, particularly in the context of Apache Spark and the 
broader big data ecosystem.

A little background about myself: I graduated in 2019 and have since been 
working in the field of AWS cloud and big data tools such as Spark, Airflow, 
AWS services, Databricks, and Snowflake. My interest in the world of big data 
tools dates back to 2016-17, where I initially began exploring concepts like 
big data with spark using scala, and the Scala ecosystem, including 
technologies like Akka. Additionally, I have a keen interest in functional 
programming and data structures and algorithms (DSA) applied to big data 

However, despite my enthusiasm and passion for these areas, I am encountering 
some challenges that are hindering my growth:
Focus and Time Management: I often struggle with maintaining focus and 
effectively managing my time. This leads to productivity issues and affects my 
ability to undertake and complete projects efficiently.

Graduate Studies Dilemma: I am unsure about whether to pursue a master's 
degree. The fear of GRE and uncertainty about getting into a reputable 
university have been holding me back. I'm unsure whether further education 
would significantly benefit my career in big data.

Long-Term Project Building: I am interested in working on long-term projects, 
but I am uncertain about the right approach and how to stay committed 
throughout the project's lifecycle.

Overcoming Fear of Failure and Procrastination: I often find myself in a 
constant fear mode of failure, which leads to abandoning pet projects shortly 
after starting them or procrastinating over initiating new ones.

Risk Aversion: With no inherited wealth or financial security, I am often 
apprehensive about taking risks, even when they may potentially lead to 
significant personal or professional growth.

Given my background and aspirations, I am reaching out to the Apache Spark 
Community, hoping to receive advice, guidance, and mentorship from experienced 
professionals who may have faced similar challenges or can offer valuable 
insights. I believe that the collective wisdom and experience within this 
community can provide me with valuable perspectives to navigate these hurdles.

If any of you have experienced similar challenges or have insights to share on 
any of the mentioned points, I would greatly appreciate your guidance. 
Additionally, if you are aware of resources, courses, or opportunities that 
could help me address these challenges, please do let me know.

Thank you in advance for considering my request. Your advice will play a 
crucial role in shaping my career and personal development journey in the world 
of big data and Apache Spark.

I am looking forward to hearing from you and learning from your experiences.


Varun Shah


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