
These are all on spark 3.5, correct?

Mich Talebzadeh,
Dad | Technologist | Solutions Architect | Engineer
United Kingdom

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*Disclaimer:* The information provided is correct to the best of my
knowledge but of course cannot be guaranteed . It is essential to note
that, as with any advice, quote "one test result is worth one-thousand
expert opinions (Werner  <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun>Von
Braun <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun>)".

On Mon, 26 Feb 2024 at 22:18, Andrzej Zera <andrzejz...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all,
> I've been using Structured Streaming in production for almost a year
> already and I want to share the bugs I found in this time. I created a test
> for each of the issues and put them all here:
> https://github.com/andrzejzera/spark-bugs/tree/main/spark-3.5/src/test/scala
> I split the issues into three groups: outer joins on event time, interval
> joins and Spark SQL.
> Issues related to outer joins:
>    - When joining three or more input streams on event time, if two or
>    more streams don't contain an event for a join key (which is event time),
>    no row will be output even if other streams contain an event for this join
>    key. Tests that check for this:
> https://github.com/andrzejzera/spark-bugs/blob/abae7a3839326a8eafc7516a51aca5e0c79282a6/spark-3.5/src/test/scala/OuterJoinTest.scala#L86
>    and
> https://github.com/andrzejzera/spark-bugs/blob/abae7a3839326a8eafc7516a51aca5e0c79282a6/spark-3.5/src/test/scala/OuterJoinTest.scala#L169
>    - When joining aggregated stream with raw events with a stream with
>    already aggregated events (aggregation made outside of Spark), then no row
>    will be output if that second stream don't contain a corresponding event.
>    Test that checks for this:
> https://github.com/andrzejzera/spark-bugs/blob/abae7a3839326a8eafc7516a51aca5e0c79282a6/spark-3.5/src/test/scala/OuterJoinTest.scala#L266
>    - When joining two aggregated streams (aggregated in Spark), no result
>    is produced. Test that checks for this:
> https://github.com/andrzejzera/spark-bugs/blob/abae7a3839326a8eafc7516a51aca5e0c79282a6/spark-3.5/src/test/scala/OuterJoinTest.scala#L341.
>    I've already reported this one here:
>    https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/SPARK-45637 but it hasn't been
>    handled yet.
> Issues related to interval joins:
>    - When joining three streams (A, B, C) using interval join on event
>    time, in the way that B.eventTime is conditioned on A.eventTime and
>    C.eventTime is also conditioned on A.eventTime, and then doing window
>    aggregation based on A's event time, the result is output only after
>    watermark crosses the window end + interval(A, B) + interval (A, C).
>    However, I'd expect results to be output faster, i.e. when the watermark
>    crosses window end + MAX(interval(A, B) + interval (A, C)). If our case is
>    that event B can happen 3 minutes after event A and event C can happen 5
>    minutes after A, there is no point to suspend reporting output for 8
>    minutes (3+5) after the end of the window if we know that no more event can
>    be matched after 5 min from the window end (assuming window end is based on
>    A's event time). Test that checks for this:
> https://github.com/andrzejzera/spark-bugs/blob/abae7a3839326a8eafc7516a51aca5e0c79282a6/spark-3.5/src/test/scala/IntervalJoinTest.scala#L32
> SQL issues:
>    - WITH clause (in contrast to subquery) seems to create a static
>    DataFrame that can't be used in streaming joins. Test that checks for this:
> https://github.com/andrzejzera/spark-bugs/blob/abae7a3839326a8eafc7516a51aca5e0c79282a6/spark-3.5/src/test/scala/SqlSyntaxTest.scala#L31
>    - Two subqueries, each aggregating data using window() functio, breaks
>    the output schema. Test that checks for this:
> https://github.com/andrzejzera/spark-bugs/blob/abae7a3839326a8eafc7516a51aca5e0c79282a6/spark-3.5/src/test/scala/SqlSyntaxTest.scala#L122
> I'm a beginner with Scala (I'm using Structured Streaming with PySpark) so
> won't be able to provide fixes. But I hope the test cases I provided can be
> of some help.
> Regards,
> Andrzej

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