Yes, there are certainly rough spots and sharp edges that we can work at
polishing out and rounding over; and there are people working on such
things.  Don't get me wrong, feedback from users about what they are
finding to difficult, opaque or impenetrable is useful; but I don't think
that the expectation that working with a framework like Spark should be
smooth and easy can be completely met.  Even when all of the documentation,
guidance, instrumentation and user interface are in place, there will still
be a lot for users to come to terms with.

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 9:50 AM, Aaron Davidson <> wrote:

> On the other hand, I totally agree that memory usage in Spark is rather
> opaque, and is one area where we could do a lot better at in terms of
> communicating issues, through both docs and instrumentation. At least with
> serialization and such, you can get meaningful exceptions (hopefully), but
> OOMs are just blanket "something wasn't right somewhere." Debugging them
> empirically would require deep diving into Spark's heap allocations, which
> requires a lot more knowledge of Spark internals than should be required
> for general usage.
> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 9:22 AM, Mark Hamstra <>wrote:
>> Yes, but that also illustrates the problem faced by anyone trying to
>> write a "little white paper or guide lines" to make newbies' experience
>> painless.  Distributed computing clusters are necessarily complex things,
>> and problems can crop up in multiple locations, layers or subsystems.  It's
>> just not feasible to quickly bring up to speed someone with no experience
>> in distributed programming and cluster systems.  It takes a lot of
>> knowledge, both broad and deep.  Very few people have the complete scope of
>> knowledge and experience required, so creating, debugging and maintaining a
>> cluster computing application almost always has to be a team effort.
>> Support organizations and communities can replace some of the need for a
>> knowledgeable and well-functioning team, but not all of it; and at some
>> point you have to expect that debugging is going to take a considerable
>> amount of painstaking, systematic effort -- including a close reading of
>> the available docs.
>> Several people are working on making more and better reference and
>> training material available, and some of that will include trouble-shooting
>> guidance, but that doesn't mean that there can ever be "one little paper"
>> to solve newbies' (or more experienced developers') problems or provide
>> adequate guidance.  There's just too much to cover and too many different
>> kinds or levels of initial-user knowledge to make that completely feasible.
>> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 8:50 AM, Shay Seng <> wrote:
>>> Hey Mark, I didn't mean to say that the information isn't out there --
>>> just that when something goes wrong with spark, the scope of what could be
>>> wrong is so large - some bad setting with JVM, serializer, akka, badly
>>> written scala code, algorithm wrong, check worker logs, check executor
>>> stderrs, ....
>>> When I looked at this post this morning, my initial thought wasn't that
>>> "countByValue" would be at fault. ...probably since I've only been using
>>> Scala/Spark for a month or so.
>>> It was just a suggestion to help newbies come up to speed more quickly
>>> and gain insights into how to debug issues.
>>> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 8:14 AM, Mark Hamstra 
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> There's no need to guess at that.  The docs tell you directly:
>>>> def countByValue(): Map[T, Long]
>>>> Return the count of each unique value in this RDD as a map of (value,
>>>> count) pairs. The final combine step happens locally on the master,
>>>> equivalent to running a single reduce task.
>>>> On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 7:22 AM, Shay Seng <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Matei,
>>>>> I've seen several memory tuning queries on this mailing list, and also
>>>>> heard the same kinds of queries at the spark meetup. In fact the last
>>>>> bullet point in Josh Carver(?) slides, the guy from Bizo, was "memory
>>>>> tuning is still a mystery".
>>>>> I certainly had lots of issues in when I first started. From memory
>>>>> issues to gc issues, things seem to run fine until you try something with
>>>>> 500GB of data etc.
>>>>> I was wondering if you could write up a little white paper or some
>>>>> guide lines on how to set memory values, and what to look at when 
>>>>> something
>>>>> goes wrong? Eg. I would never gave guessed that countByValue happens on a
>>>>> single machine etc.
>>>>>  On Oct 21, 2013 6:18 PM, "Matei Zaharia" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi there,
>>>>>> The problem is that countByValue happens in only a single reduce task
>>>>>> -- this is probably something we should fix but it's basically not 
>>>>>> designed
>>>>>> for lots of values. Instead, do the count in parallel as follows:
>>>>>> val counts = => (str, 1)).reduceByKey((a, b) => a + b)
>>>>>> If this still has trouble, you can also increase the level of
>>>>>> parallelism of reduceByKey by passing it a second parameter for the 
>>>>>> number
>>>>>> of tasks (e.g. 100).
>>>>>> BTW one other small thing with your code, flatMap should actually
>>>>>> work fine if your function returns an Iterator to Traversable, so there's
>>>>>> no need to call toList and return a Seq in ngrams; you can just return an
>>>>>> Iterator[String].
>>>>>> Matei
>>>>>> On Oct 21, 2013, at 1:05 PM, Timothy Perrigo <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> > Hi everyone,
>>>>>> > I am very new to Spark, so as a learning exercise I've set up a
>>>>>> small cluster consisting of 4 EC2 m1.large instances (1 master, 3 
>>>>>> slaves),
>>>>>> which I'm hoping to use to calculate ngram frequencies from text files of
>>>>>> various sizes (I'm not doing anything with them; I just thought this 
>>>>>> would
>>>>>> be slightly more interesting than the usual 'word count' example).
>>>>>>  Currently, I'm trying to work with a 1GB text file, but running into
>>>>>> memory issues.  I'm wondering what parameters I should be setting (in
>>>>>> in order to properly utilize the cluster.  Right now, I'd 
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> happy just to have the process complete successfully with the 1 gig file,
>>>>>> so I'd really appreciate any suggestions you all might have.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Here's a summary of the code I'm running through the spark shell on
>>>>>> the master:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > def ngrams(s: String, n: Int = 3): Seq[String] = {
>>>>>> >   (s.split("\\s+").sliding(n)).filter(_.length ==
>>>>>> n).map(_.mkString(" ")).map(_.trim).toList
>>>>>> > }
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > val text = sc.textFile("s3n://my-bucket/my-1gb-text-file")
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > val mapped = text.filter(_.trim.length > 0).flatMap(ngrams(_, 3))
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > So far so good; the problems come during the reduce phase.  With
>>>>>> small files, I was able to issue the following to calculate the most
>>>>>> frequently occurring trigram:
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > val topNgram = (mapped countByValue) reduce((a:(String, Long),
>>>>>> b:(String, Long)) => if (a._2 > b._2) a else b)
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > With the 1 gig file, though, I've been running into OutOfMemory
>>>>>> errors, so I decided to split the reduction to several steps, starting 
>>>>>> with
>>>>>> simply issuing countByValue of my "mapped" RDD, but I have yet to get it 
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> complete successfully.
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > SPARK_MEM is currently set to 6154m.  I also bumped up the
>>>>>> spark.akka.framesize setting to 500 (though at this point, I was grasping
>>>>>> at straws; I'm not sure what a "proper" value would be).  What properties
>>>>>> should I be setting for a job of this size on a cluster of 3 m1.large
>>>>>> slaves? (The cluster was initially configured using the spark-ec2 
>>>>>> scripts).
>>>>>>  Also, programmatically, what should I be doing differently?  (For 
>>>>>> example,
>>>>>> should I be setting the minimum number of splits when reading the text
>>>>>> file?  If so, what would be a good default?).
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > I apologize for what I'm sure are very naive questions.  I think
>>>>>> Spark is a fantastic project and have enjoyed working with it, but I'm
>>>>>> still very much a newbie and would appreciate any help you all can 
>>>>>> provide
>>>>>> (as well as any 'rules-of-thumb' or best practices I should be 
>>>>>> following).
>>>>>> >
>>>>>> > Thanks,
>>>>>> > Tim Perrigo

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