This somehow got lost in my mailbox, so just seeing it now.

We did not end up using the JVM shutdown hook because it turned out it did not satisfy our use case. We needed resources to be released in a certain order, and these JVM shutdown hooks do not guarantee that.

STORM-183 attempted to make the storm shutdown hooks happen by having the supervisor first asking the worker to quit before killing the worker.

It is on master branch, and should be available with the 0.9.3 release.


On 8/18/14 8:39, Spico Florin wrote:
   I've followed the suggestion of adding a shutdown hook inside the
Bolt as it was suggested by this post
The hook is initialized, but the run method is not called when the
topology is killed.

Please advice.

Find bellow a shortened version of the code :

public void prepare() {
   CleanupShutdownHook hook = new CleanupShutdownHook();
   csvWriter = new CSVWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("myFile")));

public void cleanup() {

public class CleanupShutdownHook {
public void attachShutDownHook() {
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
public void run() {

On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 3:12 PM, Spico Florin <
<>> wrote:

        I'm using the storm version 0.9.2 incubating. I have a CSV file
    is initialized in the prepare  method
    of a BaseBasicBolt
      prepare() {
        csvWriter = new CSVWriter(new BufferedWriter(new
    and I would like to close it when I kill the topology

    public void cleanup() {

    I have observed that when I was shutting down the Local cluster by
    calling the LocalCluster shutdown method, the cleanup method was
    called. But, when I kill the topology the cleanup method is not
    called anymore.
       Can you please advice on how to properly close the resources when
    killing the topology?

    I look forward for your answers.

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