Hello everyone!

I'm currently toying around with a prototype built ontop of Storm and have
been running into some not so easy going while trying to work with
Hibernate and storm.  I was hoping to get input on if this is just a case
of "I'm doing it wrong" or maybe get some useful tips.

In my prototype, I have a need to fan out a single tuple to several bolts
which do data retrieval from our database in parallel, which then get
merged back into a single stream.  These data retrieval bolts all find
various hibernate entities and pass them along to the merge bolt.  We've
written a kryo serializer that converts from the hibernate entities into
POJOs, which get sent to the merge bolt in tuples.  Once all the tuples get
to the merge bolt, it collects them all into a single tuple and passes it
downstream to a bolt which does processing using the entities.

So it looks something like this.

                      ---- (retrieve bolt a) ----
                    / ---- (retrieve bolt b) ----\
                   /------(retrieve bolt c) -----\
--- (split bolt)------(retrieve bolt d)-------(merge bolt) -----
(processing bolt)

So dealing with detaching the hibernate entities from the session to
serialize them, and then further downstream when we want to work with the
entities again, we have to reattach them to a new session....this seems
kind of awkward.

Does doing the above make sense?  Has anyone attempted to do the above?
Any tips or things we should watch out for?  Basically looking for any kind
of input for this use case.


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