
I don't get the following: The UI reports a process latency of 152ms, a total of 835200 tuples are acked / processed. Why can't I compute the total runtime with # of acked * process latency? The value is far too large, the topology was only running for 10 Minutes or so. 835200 * 152ms = 126950 seconds!? Where is my mistake? The bolt runs as a single task.

Id Executors Tasks Emitted Transferred Capacity (last 10m) Execute latency (ms) Executed Process latency (ms) Acked Failed Last error processor_15 <http://localhost:8080/component.html?id=processor_15&topology_id=b4-29-1432208535> 1 1 417600 417600 0.006 0.007 835200 152.308 835200 0


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