
Storm processes multiple tuple in an "overlapping" manner, ie, emitting
from spout, network transfer, processing at bolt is fully pipelined and
multiple tuples are in the pipeline at the same time. Additionally, this
pipeline contains multiple buffers and thread transferring the tuple
from buffer to buffer (or over the network). Thus, the measured
latencies are "overlapping" and you cannot simple sum them up.


On 05/21/2015 02:08 PM, Johannes Hugo Kitschke wrote:
> Hi,
> I don't get the following: The UI reports a process latency of 152ms, a
> total of 835200 tuples are acked / processed.
> Why can't I compute the total runtime with # of acked * process latency?
> The value is far too large, the topology was only running for 10 Minutes
> or so.
> 835200 * 152ms = 126950 seconds!? Where is my mistake? The bolt runs as
> a single task.
> Id    Executors       Tasks   Emitted         Transferred     Capacity (last 
> 10m)     Execute
> latency (ms)  Executed        Process latency (ms)    Acked   Failed  Last 
> error
> processor_15
> <http://localhost:8080/component.html?id=processor_15&topology_id=b4-29-1432208535>
>       1       1       417600  417600  0.006   0.007   835200  152.308         
> 835200  0
> Best,
> J.

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