Hello Manish,

Do you make sure that you are ACK-ing tuples after processing?


2015-07-21 10:57 GMT-04:00 Manish Nema <manish.k.n...@gmail.com>:

> Hi,
>  I am running a topology in the 6 node cluster on RHEL 5 and Oracle JDK
> 1.7. Schematic for topology as attached, there are 6 workers for spout and
> bolts. Topology picks up message from JMS and sends out message to bolts.
> Each bolt does some processing and sends out next set of tuple to
> downstream for further processing. All bolts are in shuffle grouping. There
> are two special bolts
> 1. Log
> 2. Ticket
> Log bolt receive same tuple from each bolt for logging purpose but these
> tuples are unanchored. Similarly Ticket bolt receive tuple that are failed
> due to business logic, these are also unanchored. Bolt1 to Bolt4 and
> anchored tuple since we wanted message guarantee for these tuples. Each
> bolt receive one tuple and emit one data tuple from Bolt1 to Bolt4.
> I have observed that we were acking some unanchored tuple in Log and
> Ticket bolts, and it was causing topology freeze after sometime (10 mins
> when worker jvm heap size is set to 2 GB , 2 days when worker jvm heap was
> set to 16 GB). These freeze essentially slows down message read from JMS.
> After commenting out acking I didnt observe any slow down/freeze.
> I would like to ask group that would acking unanchored tuple is the reason
> for the topology slow down or freeze ?
> Regards,
> Manish

Nikolaos Romanos Katsipoulakis,
University of Pittsburgh, PhD candidate

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