There's nothing that keeps you from simply having a thread pool in your
bolts. Or you could go for an async DB client.

You will have to be careful about providing back pressure (e.g. by using a
bounded queue).

On Sun, May 8, 2016 at 12:12 PM, Navin Ipe <>

> Hi,
> I've wanted to do this and this post confirms the idea:
> But when I have a spout that constantly has nextTuple() being called by
> Storm and I have a bolt that constantly has execute() being called whenever
> it receives a tuple, how do I program the Spout to have a separate thread
> which reads from MongoDB or for the bolt to have a separate thread that
> writes to DB?
> If Storm is in complete charge of calling nextTuple() and execute(), then
> how do I start my own thread which does something? This is important,
> because I don't want my bolt to spend time writing to DB, when it should
> actually be busy receiving and processing hundreds of tuples.
> --
> Regards,
> Navin

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