Thanks, Hugo. That's all I want to know abot this.

On Tue, Feb 21, 2017 at 9:01 PM, Hugo Da Cruz Louro <>

> As per KafkaConsumer documentation
> <>
> :
> “ Setting means that offsets are committed
> automatically with a frequency controlled by the config
> “
> That means that the Spout disregards if the Tuple is acked or not;  every
> time interval (as controlled by ) the offset will
> be committed. This can have have an impact on the delivery guarantees,
> because an offset may be committed, yet the tuple may fail.
> On Feb 20, 2017, at 8:15 AM, Igor Kuzmenko <> wrote:
> Hello, I'd like to understand difference between auto commit mode
> true/false in new KafkaSpout.
> With auto.commit.enabled = false KafkaSpout will move my offset relying on
> acked tuples, it seems easy.
> But what happens if I turn auto commit on?
> How Kafka make decision which offset to commit?

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