Hi Harsh,

Thanks a lot for your answer.

So you mean that I should look for kafka spout offsets in the zookeeper
servers which Storm uses for Nimbus/Supervisors communications, is that
right ?

My problem is to find the zk path of these offsets: in the zookeeper
servers associated to my Kafka brokers, I have for example offsets stored
in the following path: /consumers/<consumer group id>/offsets

However, when I access Storm's zookeeper's nodes using zkCli.sh, I do not
find any /consumers path.

What is the path of the zk nodes which contain the offset of the Kafka

Best regards,
Alexandre Vermeerbergen

2017-03-28 8:12 GMT+02:00 Harsh Choudhary <shry.ha...@gmail.com>:

> The storm stores its offset in the Zookeeper, it is connected to. So, you
> won't find the offset information for the storm clients in the same place
> where other clients' offsets are. You must have provided topic id in Spout
> Config in Storm, this is where it stores the offset information in its
> Zookeeper.
> *Cheers!*
> Harsh Choudhary / Software Engineer
> Blog / express.harshti.me
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> On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 11:27 AM, Alexandre Vermeerbergen <
> avermeerber...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I need to programmatically monitor the offset of my Kafka Spouts (based
>> on storm-kafka, not storm-kafka-client).
>> I already have a probe checking the offsets of all consumers of my Kafka
>> Brokers cluster. It takes into account both Zookeeper-based old consumers,
>> but also newer ones managing their offsets directly in Kafka brokers.
>> But my probe do not "see" any of the consumers corresponding to Kafka
>> spouts.
>> So my question is: where does Kafka spouts (from storm-kafka) store their
>> offsets as Kafka consumers?
>> Tested configurations:
>> * Storm 1.0.1, Storm 1.0.3 and Storm 1.1.0 rc3,
>> * Kafka Brokers :
>> Best regards,
>> Alexandre Vermeerbergen

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