
I'm confused with storm cluster size.I have  3 topologies where they are
pulling data from different kafka-sources.I deployed them on 12 supervisor
with 1 Nimbus of 2gb ram,1 core  machines each, my problem is with the
processing speed.They are processing the message with 10 mins delay.

Is it the problem of hardware configurations ?

In storm link <http://storm.apache.org/about/scalable.html> they suggested
24 memory with 2 core machine for production-cluster.

Does it mean I should go with 24 memory machine vm's? I.e., now I'm having
2gb ram machines as per test.
if I want to move them to production then I need to increase each vm ram
size of 2gb to 24gb ?

Is it a right assumption? or do I need to check the topology code again ?

*Best regards,*

*K.Sai Dilip Reddy.*

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