Hi all,

I am trying to understand how storm's DRPC server and Trident work together. A 
particular Trident topology I am developing seems to be limited in its 
throughput as batches/tuples are not pushed into it fast enough from the DRPC 
server. We are using storm 1.1.0.

Unfortunately I have not found a good source of information on how the DRPC 
server and Trident function together, though I have looked at the various 
Trident examples and docs at https://storm.apache.org/releases/1.1.0/index.html 
as well as Stackoverflow and the old storm Google Group.

What I have tried so far:
- lowering the trident batch emit interval millis from 500 to 200, 100 and 25, 
does not seem to have an effect
- using multiple workers in the Trident topology along with different kinds of 
partitioning the stream - seems to hurt performance (I suspect network latency 
between our storm servers to be the reason for that)
- using a single or multiple spouts, seems to have no effect

Our drpc is configured as follows:

drpc.authorizer.acl.filename    "drpc-auth-acl.yaml"
drpc.authorizer.acl.strict      false
drpc.childopts  "-Xmx2048m"
drpc.http.port  3774
drpc.https.keystore.password    ""
drpc.https.keystore.type        "JKS"
drpc.https.port -1
drpc.invocations.port   3773
drpc.invocations.threads        64
drpc.max_buffer_size    10485760
drpc.port       3772
drpc.queue.size 128
drpc.request.timeout.secs       600
drpc.worker.threads     64

I appreciate any pointers to a good documentation or concrete suggestions. 
Sorry if this question has been asked before.



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