Hi Stig,

I don't have this kind of errors normally. It just occured at the rolling
restart of kafka.

Also the __consumer_offsets configuration is:
Topic:__consumer_offsets PartitionCount:50 ReplicationFactor:3
Topic: __consumer_offsets Partition: 0 Leader: 0 Replicas: 2,1,0 Isr: 0,1

The fact that the replication factor is 3 even if there is only two broker
can cause an issue ?

On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 6:51 PM, Stig Rohde Døssing <s...@apache.org> wrote:

> The spout will reemit some messages if it fails to commit offsets to
> Kafka. Are these CommitFailedExceptions occuring in your logs normally?
> Also since the spout stores offsets in Kafka, you may want to check the
> replication factor on that topic by running `./kafka-topics.sh --zookeeper
> localhost:2181 --describe --topic __consumer_offsets` in one of your Kafka
> /bin directories.
> 2017-08-21 17:17 GMT+02:00 Elyahou Ittah <elyaho...@fiverr.com>:
>> The config is the default one, I just set the bootstrap server.
>> Kafka version is 0.11
>> Storm-kafka-client is 1.1.0
>> On Mon, Aug 21, 2017 at 5:48 PM, Stig Rohde Døssing <s...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Elyahou,
>>> Could you post your spout configuration, Kafka version and
>>> storm-kafka-client version? The logs imply that your spouts are not polling
>>> often enough.
>>> 2017-08-21 <20%2017%2008%2021> 9:44 GMT+02:00 Elyahou Ittah <
>>> elyaho...@fiverr.com>:
>>>> I noticed that storm kafka spout reconsume all kafka message after a
>>>> rolling restart of kafka cluster.
>>>> This issue occured only with kafkaSpout consumer and not for my other
>>>> consumers (ruby based  using the kafka consumer API like kafkaSpout)
>>>> Attached logs of the spout.
>>>> Do you know what can cause this kind of behavior ?

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