I deploy with LocalCluster mode. I get several thousands messages processed
a second but expect my botteneck is not at the storm layer.

It would be interesting to see a full explanation of the differences in
LocalCluster and a real deployment. I expect quite a few people would
benefit from having storm run in process in actual deployments.


On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Michael Rose <mich...@fullcontact.com>wrote:

> Post your code.  Even Dev mode is far faster for us.
> On Jan 10, 2014 8:44 AM, "Klausen Schaefersinho" <
> klaus.schaef...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I've benched storm at 1.8 million tuples per second on a big (24 core)
>> box using local or shuffle grouping between a spout and bolt.
>> Production or development mode?
>> > you're only seeing 10 events per second make sure you don't have any
>> sleeps
>> Yeah I checked  for sleeps etc. and stripped down my code. Now my bolts
>> do nothing and the spout just creates random data...
>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 4:37 PM, Nathan Leung <ncle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I've benched storm at 1.8 million tuples per second on a big (24 core)
>>> box using local or shuffle grouping between a spout and bolt. If you're
>>> only seeing 10 events per second make sure you don't have any sleeps
>>> (whether in your code or elsewhere e.g. a library or triggered due to lack
>>> of data in the storm spout). Also note that the default sleep period in the
>>> spout when there is no data (in storm 0.9) is I believe 1ms so even if
>>> you're hitting this condition you should see much more than 10 events per
>>> second.
>>>  On Jan 10, 2014 10:19 AM, "Jon Logan" <jmlo...@buffalo.edu> wrote:
>>>> Why would you benchmark local mode? It's intended for debugging and
>>>> development purposes, not actual production use...............
>>>> per the website, Storm itself is  benchmarked at > 1 million tuples per
>>>> second per node.
>>>> On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 8:40 AM, Klausen Schaefersinho <
>>>> klaus.schaef...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> how is the performance of a real cluster compared to a local
>>>>> development cluster? I was trying to benchmark Storm now and found  that 
>>>>> it
>>>>> only manages to consume 10 events per second in a simple topology which
>>>>> only consists out of i spout and one bolt where the spout creates random
>>>>> objects and the bolt acknowledge the tuple.
>>>>> 10 events terrible slow, and I am not sure if this is related to the
>>>>> develop mode.
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Klaus

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