Thanks, Noel and Michael !

On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 5:55 PM, Noel Milton Vega <> wrote:

>  I used Nimbus Thrift on my end.
> The one thing to note about that approach is that, if you're planning to
> plot
> those metrics (say, on Graphite), the results aren't very interesting
> because the
> metrics -- emitted, transferred, acks, etc. -- are aggregates and simply
> monotonically
> increase, which lead to not so insightful graphs (... more-or-less lines
> that
> go up from left-to-right forever).
> However, I took consecutive metrics samples from Nimbus, say,
> every 5 seconds, and plotted the difference between the two samples
> divided by 5 to plot
> average quantities instead. That was insightful. So while (except for
> latency
> type metrics) Nimbus doesn't provide you with average rates for
> emits/transferred/acks
> (and you won't see them on the UI either), you can easily derive them
> manually
> and send that to Graphite (or to your charting platform). If using
> Graphite, btw.,
> you also have the option of letting Graphite calculate the averages on the
> back-end
> for you, too (giving you options).
> Finally, for application specific metrics exposed via Java Mbeans,
> consider Codahale's
> Metric's API (in-band), and JMXtrans (out-of-band).
> Noel Milton Vega
> Dimension Data, LLC.
>  On 03/17/2014 08:30 PM, Michael Rose wrote:
> Depending on what you need, you could use the Thrift interface to Nimbus
> to grab the statistics. The UI project does do some calculations on the raw
> metrics, so it's not quite the same. The algorithms it uses aren't too
> difficult to replicate.
>  We ended up building something very similar to what Ooyala did,
> customized for our specific needs, it's an excellent pattern.
>  Michael Rose (@Xorlev <>)
> Senior Platform Engineer, FullContact <>
> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 6:21 PM, Chris Bedford <>wrote:
>> Hi, I'm interested in getting metrics via JMX on not only   " container
>> level " factors (such as # of garbage collects, heap usage,etc.),   but
>> also metrics that describe how spouts and bolts are performing  (e.g., # of
>> tuples emitted, # transferred -- the same kind of stuff that the storm UI
>> shows.)
>>  I ran across this project :
>>  :
>>  I was just wondering if this is the best best to pursue.  Does anyone
>> have any concrete experience with this that they can share?
>> thanx!
>>   chris

Chris Bedford

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