user@storm.incubator.apache.orgHey all,


We are having issues with stuck topologies.  When submitted and started,
our topology will start processing for a while, then completely halt for
around topology.max.spout.pending seconds, after which it seems that all
the in-flight tuples are failed.  This cycle will loop continuously.  Has
anybody seen this issue / have suggestions about how to debug?


We are running a storm cluster in AWS, non-vpc.  We're running 0.9.1 but
using guava 16.0.1 and httpclient 4.3.1 in the lib path.  We were
originally trying this with the regular netty transport, and reverting back
to the zmq transport seemed to help at first, but now we're seeing the same
behavior as well, so it seems like a deeper rooted problem than just the

Any help would be appreciated.



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