Hey Srinath,

Yep, our ackers don't seem overloaded at all, and the behavior you are
seeing sounds exactly like what we are seeing here.

On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 6:47 AM, Srinath C <srinat...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have been seeing this behaviour on running on (aws & non-vpc).
> All tuples get a fail() on the spout and I'm not sure why. Even a simple
> case of spoutA -> boltB is showing up this behaviour after a continuous
> flow of tuples.
> So far increasing ACKer count hasn't helped. All I could figure out was
> the fail() is called from  backtype.storm.utils.RotatingMap#rotate which
> I believe means that the topology.max.spout.pending time has exceeded and
> the tuple is not yet marked as completed. I'm pretty sure there are no
> exceptions in handling the tuples.
> Will update if I find any insights.
> On Tue, Apr 15, 2014 at 3:07 PM, 朱春来 <zhuchun...@jd.com> wrote:
>> Hi Michael Chang,
>>          Did you ack or fail tuple in the bolt timely and please check
>> the bolt processing speed of a tuple.
>> *发件人:* Michael Chang [mailto:m...@tellapart.com]
>> *发送时间:* 2014年4月15日 16:41
>> *收件人:* user@storm.incubator.apache.org
>> *主题:* Storm Topology Halts
>> user@storm.incubator.apache.orgHey all,
>> Issue:
>> We are having issues with stuck topologies.  When submitted and started,
>> our topology will start processing for a while, then completely halt for
>> around topology.max.spout.pending seconds, after which it seems that all
>> the in-flight tuples are failed.  This cycle will loop continuously.  Has
>> anybody seen this issue / have suggestions about how to debug?
>> Environment:
>> We are running a storm cluster in AWS, non-vpc.  We’re running 0.9.1 but
>> using guava 16.0.1 and httpclient 4.3.1 in the lib path.  We were
>> originally trying this with the regular netty transport, and reverting back
>> to the zmq transport seemed to help at first, but now we’re seeing the same
>> behavior as well, so it seems like a deeper rooted problem than just the
>> transport.
>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> Michael

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