Its the ReducerAggregate/CombinerAggregator's job to implement this logic.
Look at Count and Sum that are built-in to Trident. You can also implement
your own aggregator.


On Mon, Apr 21, 2014 at 2:57 PM, Raphael Hsieh <> wrote:

> If I am using an opaque spout and doing a persistent aggregate to a
> MemcachedState, how is it aggregating/incrementing the values across all
> batches ?
> I'm wanting to implement an IBackingMap so that I can use an external
> datastore. However, I'm unsure where the logic goes that will read the
> previous data, and aggregate it with the new data.
> From what I've been told, I need to implement the IBackingMap and the
> multiput/multiget functions. So logically, I think it makes sense that I
> would put this update logiv in the multiput function. However, the
> OpaqueMap class already has multiGet logic in order to check the TxId of
> the batch.
> Instead of using an OpaqueMap class, should I just make my own
> implementation ?
> Thanks
> --
> Raphael Hsieh

Cody A. Ray, LEED AP

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