
>From what I understand streamparse still requires that the topologies be in 
>Clojure… not entirely sure how this is different from what storm already 
>provides. I was looking more for a DSL that we could use w/ Python 2.6 and be 
>100% Python, but it looks like that is not available.

On May 30, 2014, at 2:14 PM, Andrew Montalenti 
<<>> wrote:

For one thing, a recently accepted Storm pull request has made this 
serialization pluggable and someone has already implemented a protobuf variety. 
We plan to investigate alternative serialization options for multilang once we 
get the other tooling out of the way.

For another, it is true the overhead for serialization is non trivial, but the 
overhead also tends to be a constant factor applied to data size, and machines 
are cheap while programming time is expensive. Storm and Python's data analysis 
and data integration libraries are a pretty powerful combo worth the 
performance penalty.

On May 30, 2014 1:42 PM, "Larry Palmer" 
<<>> wrote:
We had experimented with Storm/Python 6 months ago or so, but found the JSON 
serialization/deserialization overhead was quite high, on the order of several 
hundred usec per tuple every time it transitioned from java to python or vice 
versa, limiting total throughput on a 12 core server to around 25k 
tuples/second. Considered trying to switch to a different serializer but ended 
up just doing everything in Java instead.

Is that still the case, or perhaps has the speed been improved?

On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 10:06 PM, Andrew Montalenti 
<<>> wrote:

We are building a new Storm and Python interop option that is called 

It includes a heavily rewritten Storm interop library and a command line tool, 
sparse, for managing local and remote Storm clusters. The idea is to make Storm 
projects as easy to build and manage in Python as RQ or Celery projects.

It currently has support for running local clusters in a single command, 
managing virtualenvs on remote worker machines, submitting topologies, 
listing/killing topologies, and tailing remote log files. The multilang layer 
also has better support for logging and exception/error handling. Multiple 
topologies can be built from a single codebase and multiple remote Storm 
clusters can be supported via a simple JSON configuration file.

We are already using it for production topologies atop Storm 0.9.1 and Storm 
0.8. We welcome contributions and if you join our mailing list, feel free to 
make requests. We continue to develop it actively and in an open manner.

-Andrew Montalenti

On May 29, 2014 6:35 PM, "Ashu Goel" 
<<>> wrote:
(the reason being is that we are still running Python 2.6 but Petrel is only 
compatible with 2.7)
On May 29, 2014, at 2:48 PM, Ashu Goel 
<<>> wrote:

Awesome! I’m looking more into using the storm.thrift to define a non-JVM DSL… 
does anyone have any working examples of this? Python preferred but any example 
will do. the wiki is a bit confusing...

Ashu, take a look this project:

Write, submit, debug and monitor in python.


El 28/05/2014 22:49, Ashu Goel <<>> 
Any examples where the entire infra is written in Python (including topology)? 
or is that not possible
On May 28, 2014, at 1:33 PM, Dilpreet Singh 
<<>> wrote:

The WordCountTopology contains an example python bolt.


On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 1:59 AM, Ashu Goel 
<<>> wrote:
Does anyone have a good example program/instructions of using Python with 
storm? I can’t seem to find anything concrete online.

Ashu Goel


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