But does it monitor them yes, the supervisor will monitor worker processes, and restart them once they go down.
Who monitors the supervisor itself if it goes down? If a supervisor goes down the nimbus simply remove the node from the cluster and reassigns the job to other node, in other word, you lose a worknode in your cluster. It is always a good practice to run nimbus and supervisor under monitor application. 2014-07-07 唐思成 发件人: jeff saremi 发送时间: 2014-07-06 23:20:38 收件人: d...@storm.incubator.apache.org; user@storm.incubator.apache.org 抄送: 主题: The role of supervisor in Storm I posted another note earlier asking for hints and links on in-depth architecture documentation. I didn't get any responses. Which probably means I am the only one with this problem. So i'll just go ahead and ask specific questions: What is the role of the supervisor? I know that it starts and stops the worker processes. But does it monitor them? how? Who monitors the supervisor itself if it goes down? Launching something with "%java storm something" is referred to as launching the item (nimbus) under supervision. Can anything be launched like that? Is Supervisable an interface? or a protocol? I tried reading the supervisor's code but it looked like hieroglyphs to me. thanks Jeff