Does anyone have any information that could help with this? I'm baffled and 
don't understand the behaviour we're seeing - events are being received out of 
order on a batch replay, the only reason I can think is that tuples are left 
over from the previous batch in the input queues, but trying to use the batch 
id to filter tuples doesn't seem to work.

Unfortunately, I can't understand the behaviour without some input from someone 
who knows how trident works and can match this behaviour onto what trident is 
*meant* to do on a batch replay.


From: Simon Cooper []
Sent: 19 August 2014 16:10
Subject: RE: What happens on a batch timeout?

BTW, I'm referring to trident batches.

From: Simon Cooper []
Sent: 19 August 2014 15:49
Subject: What happens on a batch timeout?

When a batch times out, what happens to all the current in-flight tuples when 
the batch is replayed? Are they removed from the executor queues, or are they 
left in the queues, so they might be received by the executor as part of the 
replayed batch/next batch, if the executor is running behind?


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