> From: Mathieu Grimault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> I've found a way of bypassing the problem by using a logic:equal and
> logic:notEqual inside the jsp and testing my row value. This way, the
> display is correct... it's just not clean.

You really shouldn't need to do all that.  Here's a working example of
multibox from my project.  In my case 'accountMap' is not a form
property, it's a Map sitting in session scope.  I'm not sure if the code
you posted is wrapped in a <logic:iterate> or not?  Stuts will
pre-select the correct checkboxes based on the values in the String[]
form property.

In the JSP
    <c:forEach items="${accountMap}" var="item" >
       <html-el:multibox property="accounts" value="${item.key}"/> 
       <c:out value="${item.key}"/> <br/>

The Form property is a String[]:

And the reset method, which only resets if the form is actually being
public void reset( ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request )
      log.debug( "reset: begin" );
      if ( request.getMethod().equals( "POST" ) ) {
         log.debug( "reset: request was POSTed, resetting" );
         set( "accounts", new String[]{} );
         set( "includeDetail", Boolean.FALSE );

I put this on my Wiki because it comes up often:  

If anyone has suggestions, just edit the page...

Hope that helps!

Wendy Smoak
Application Systems Analyst, Sr.
ASU IA Information Resources Management 

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