Yeah, I guess I could do that. I think need 2 properties. I would create a dateAsString property, have the form get and set that, and then have the getters and setters set and convert the actual Date. This way I can call getDate to get a Date and getDateAsString to get it as a formatted String.

Are their other ways to handle this, so I don't need 2 properties?

Slattery, Tim - BLS wrote:

ActionForm has a object that has a Date property that I want to set.

So I have

<html:text property="">

If I populate the that property in the Action like this:

MyObject obj = new MyObject();
obj.setDate(new Date());

The html:text tag does a toString() on the property. How can I get it to display in the MM/DD/YYYY format instead? Likewise, how do I make it so the user can enter a date in the format of MM/DD/YYYY and have it correctly set the Date property?

I'd have the getter format the Date as a string (use
SimpleDateFormat.format(), you can specify any of a wide variety of
formats). Likewise, the setter should accept a string and use
SimpleDateFormat.parse() to turn it into a Date. If parse() returns null
then the String could not be turned into a Date, and you need to display an
error message.

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