On Wednesday 14 April 2004 10:24, Christian Bollmeyer wrote:
> Finally!
> http://otn.oracle.com/software/products/jdev/index.html (249MB)
> -- Chris
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And they did a great job indeed. Well, I'm not paid for promoting
Oracle software, but but this is rather close to the IDE I always
wanted. All those litte features that make life so much easier
actually seem to work now (upon briefly testing under Windows
and Linux (home)). Choosing IDEs always is a matter of taste,
and I like the Eclipse, IntelliJ and NetBeans approaches as well,
but well, after all, this definitely might become be me and my
teammates' workhorse for quite some time.

So, Duncan Mills and his entire team should open a bottle
of Champage now, sit back, relax and watch things happen.
From a technical view, 10g beats JBuilder X (among other
'full-featured IDEs') in almost any aspect. The 'productivity
by choice' slogan seems to be quite fitting. Alas. Great job,

-- Chris.

NB. Still wonder why the release of JDev 10g Production
is *still* not on the OTN home page.

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