its simple program im  posting it , actually everthing was working fine   but i tried to work with a  program that  was ment for running sqlloader using my java program.. suddenly what happen  kept me in puzzled situation.. after which a simple program like foollowing wasnt compiling :((

the program is

public class  helloWorld
        public static void main(String[] args)
                System.out.println("Hello World!");

thanks for your attention

Birendar Singh Waldiya


18-04-04 05:43 PM

Please respond to
"Struts Users Mailing List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Struts Users Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
RE: basic problem in java

Post the contents of your file up to and including the
"import*;" line. You might have the import statement in the
wrong place.


On Sun, 2004-04-18 at 00:16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> My Classpath variable is set to         :
> C:\jdk1.3.1\bin;c:\jdk1.3.1\lib\tools.jar;c:\jdk1.3.1\lib\rt.jar;c:\Drivers\;c:\Drivers\;c:\Drivers;c:\biren\java
> JDK is installed  
> C:\jdk1.3.1
> can you please help me ??
> Birendar Singh Waldiya
> "David Friedman"
> 17-04-04 08:54 PM
>          Please respond to
>     "Struts Users Mailing List"
>                To
> "Struts Users
> Mailing List"
>                cc
>           Subject
> RE: basic problem
> in java
>   What is your CLASSPATH variable set to and is java installed in
> c:\biren\java?
>  Regards,
>  David
>  -----Original Message-----
>  Sent: Saturday, April 17, 2004 2:47 AM
>  To: Struts Users Mailing List
>  Subject: basic problem in java
>  Hi,
>   this may be  a slightly silly question for  people working on struts
> etc
> but im facing it and i dont have the clue why im getting it.. can
> anyone
> suggest me  why im getting proble..
>  while compiling a java program  my javac is unable to resolve the
> standard
> java classes  like*   java.util.* ;
>  C:\biren\java>javac
> cannot resolve symbol
>  symbol  : class io
>  location: class java
>  import*;
>  whats  the problem  please help !
>              ^
>  Birendar Singh Waldiya
> ForwardSourceID:NT0000434E    
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