2 forms i assumed you use 2 diffrent actions. It
wouldn't matter how many form you have as long as you
set the action in your struts-config correctly.

If you use 2 forms just imagine you have 2 diffrent
pages, how you deal with it ? so its supposed to be
same as you handle your multiform.

--- as as <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> Has anyone implemented two html:form in a same jsp..
> I wish to do this to implement two tables.each table
> displaying values in a row, of a bean...
> so there are two beans...
> for some reason, it gives me error saying it cnat
> find getter for my second bean...though I did add
> getters and setters for all attributes in my struts
> form class.
> thanks in advance for the help,
> Sam
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