Yes it - is. I use Jbuilder 9 and struts 1.1

You need to manually configure it:
- Add 2 new libraries through Tools/Configure Libraries - call one Struts
1.1 and the other Struts 1.1 JSTL
- For Struts 1.1 JSTL
        - add classes %strutsdir%/contrib/struts-el/lib/jstl.jar and
        - Framework- choose JSTL and define all libraries eg core (EL)
prefix c, core (RT) prefix c_rt
- For Struts 1.1
        - add classes commons-beanutils.jar, commons-collections.jar,
commons-digester.jar, commons-fileupload.jar, commons-lang.jar,
commons-validator.jar, jakarta-oro.jar, struts.jar, struts-el.jar all from
        - Framework - choose Struts and define all the tag libraries
        - Required libraries - Struts JSTL 1.1

-----Original Message-----
From: Ramil Mirhasanov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 21 April 2004 11:15
Subject: Jbuilder 9 Changing Stuts 1.0 to 1.1

I am using J Builder 9 for web development.
It has built-in Struts 1.0. Is it possible to change it to struts 1.1
version. I tried changing the struts.jar file in
thirdparty/jakarta-struts-1.0.2. But it doesnt work properly. My problem is
the error given:

Parse Error at line 7 column -1: Element "form-bean" does not allow
"form-property" here.
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Element "form-bean" does not allow
"form-property" here.

in my struts-congig.xml:

<form-bean name="radioForm"
  <form-property name="control" type="java.lang.String[]"/> </form-bean>
    <form-bean name="girisActionForm" type="dxwd02.forms.GirisActionForm" />

Thanks for help.

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